Just Us

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Annabeth's POV:

Percy and I haven't been able to have a time where it's just the two of us since Ada was 2. So, it's been two years. We figured it was time to go back out again because of how stressful life is with three kids. We were just going to a dine movie, where you eat dinner while watching the movie.

"Thank you again, Sally." I said.

"Oh, no problem!" She laughed "Right, Phil?"

"Huh?" He asked, cluelessly "Oh, yeah, right."

Sally rolled her eyes and walked over to the kids as their eyes immediately lit up.

"BLUE COOKIES!" Percy screamed down the hall.

"Blue cookies!" The kids laughed.

"Alright, you two, go have fun!" Sally said and shooed us out of the door.

I was wearing a silver dress that fell just below my knees, and black flats so we could walk without my feet hurting. I straightened my hair, and put red lipstick on. Oh, and I still kept my locket from years ago.

I looked at Percy and his seagreen eyes locked on mine.

His black hair was swept to the side as if an ocean wave, and he wore a black dress jacket over a blue long sleeve button up shirt, with navy blue pants.

"Shall we go, M'lady?" He asked me with a smirk.

"We shall." I laughed.

We got in the car and drove to the movie theater.

"What movie are we seeing?" I asked. He wanted to surprise me with a movie, and he finally convinced me to do so.

"Finding Dory." He said.

"The second Finding Nemo?" I asked excitedly.

"Although I would love to see it, the kids might wanna see that with us." He laughed "So we're seeing Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children."

"Oh, I just finished the book!" I said.

"I know, that's why I chose it." He chuckled.

"I wonder is there's any Satyrs in this movie." He said, opening my door.

"Percy, I don't think they're Satyrs." I laughed.

He shrugged "You never know."

"Okay, whatever." I laughed.

As we were walking, our fingers entwined together and he kissed my forehead.

It reminded me of when we were kids, risking our lives for each other. When I thought he would die. When I took the knife for him. I missed that.

"Okay, D 6 and 7 are our seats." He said, placing the numbers in his pocket.

"Okay, let's go." I laughed.

We sat in our seats and looked at the menu.

Percy scoffed "I cannot believe it." He growled.

"What?" I asked.

"Seafood!" He yelled loud enough for everyone there to hear.

"Shh," I laughed "It's okay, some people like seafood."

"Annabeth, fish are friends, not food." He said "Same with crab, lobster, and all the other types of fish."

"Percy, it's okay." I laughed.

"You promise to never eat sea-" He began and then gasped "Salmon, catfish, cod?" His eyebrows were arched and his lips were pursed.

"Percy, dont look at that part of the menu, look somewhere else." I said.

"Mhm." He said and flipped the menu to the steaks.

"Oo, the Cobb salad with grilled chicken looks delicious." I said, my mouth watering.

"A salad?" He asked "Okay, you get that."

"I will." I said and closed my menu.

"I think I'm gonna get a burger." He said.

"A burger?" I asked. It seemed kind of weird to get that at what's supposed to be fancy, but.. It's Percy. "Okay, and you get that."

"I will." He smiled and closed the menu.

The waiter came over and took our orders as the movie started.

"I really hope it's like the book." I said.

About halfway through the movie I leaned over to Percy "They got rid of the whole first part."

"It was kinda creepy when the grandpa was murdered in the woods and that tall dude was there." He frowned.

I laughed "Yeah?"


When the movie was over, we had eaten our food and gotten 2 cheesecakes.

"So, basically, Percy, you're Carnitarian?" I asked with a laugh.

"I have no clue what that is." He frowned.

"It's when you don't eat fish or seafood." I laughed.

"Yep." He said "I'm... Carton- Yes, I'm that."

"Okay," I laughed "But why do you go fishing then?"

"Because my dad and I used to do it, and because it's fun and I release the fish back into the water." He said.

"Except when you do it with your dad." I laughed.

"Except when I do it with dad." He said.

"Okay, wanna go to the beach?" I asked.

"I thought you'd never ask." He grinned and grabbed my hand and started running.

When we got to the beach, he three me into the water and jumped in after me. He placed an air bubble around my head so I could swim around.

He tucked my hair behind my ears and grabbed my hand.

We passed by a few sharks which scared me, but I knew they wouldn't do anything to us.

We finally stopped at this building underwater.

I looked at Percy and he said "I built this when I was 15."

"Oh, wow." I looked at it in amazement.

"I did it to A. Get away from mom and Paul, and B. I felt safe here." He sasaid.

"That's really cool." I said. "Not as good as what I've built though."

"Probably true." He laughed.

He built this cave out of seashells, inside were 2 chairs, a blanket, and a 6 pack of coke covered in mesophotic reefs.

"Gross!" I yelled "What is that?!"

"This coke must be from... when we were 14." He shrugged and opened a can.

"Uh.." My jaw dropped open.

"It's fine, Annabeth." He said and sipped it "Take a can."

"No, Mr. D, I'm okay." I said.

"I'm not Mr. D." He said "I just like DIET Coke."

"Because Mr. D hated us if we didn't." I said.

"He always hated us." He said.

"Not when he saved us." I corrected.

He took a breath like he were considering it and shrugged.


Percy came out of the ocean completely dry, whereas I was soaked except for my head where he put the air bubble.

"Sorry." He chuckled nervously.

"No harm, no foul." I said, walking to the car.


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