Frazel's Baby #1

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Percy's POV:

Iris and Alex were like best friends. They did everything together, and Iris is a great kid so I'm glad that she's rubbing off on him.

Annabeth was working so I had alone time with the 11 month old baby.

My phone started vibrating in my pocket and I got it out and it read that Frank was calling me.

"Yello." I said, answering.

"PERCY! HAZEL'S HAVING A BABY!" Frank screamed through the phone, he was obviously going through a dad nerve.

"Okay, I'll call Annabeth. See you later." I said, calmly.

The phone hung up. "Jeez." I said to Alex.

"What?" He asked me. It was so weird that I could already kind of have a conversation with him.

"Hazel and Frank are having a baby." I sighed.

He pretended to sigh like me "Francine!" He yelled.

"Yeah, but I guess we're calling her Frankie." I said

"Otay, mommy know?" He asked me.

"Nope, shoot. Gotta call her." I said, dialing her on my demi phone.

"Percy, what? I'm at work." She said, obviously stressed.

"Well, Hazel's in labor. Didn't know if you wanted to know or not." I teased.

"Oh, Styx!" She yelled. "Okay, I'll try to meet you at the hospital." She said and hung up.

"Alright, Alex." I sighed "Come on."


At the hospital, Iris (2 years old), Ophelia (2 months old), Jax (2 months old), Calypso, Leo, Rachel, Paris, Jason and Piper were already there.

"Where's Annabeth?" Calypso asked, holding Ophelia in her arms.

"Work. She said she'd try to make it." I said, setting Alex on the floor so he could play with his friends.

"Ohhh, God's, she works too much," Rachel said.

"Yep, I only work a few days a week. But it gives me and this little guy some time together," I laughed. "I can finally be the dad I never had."

"Here for the Zhang's?" The Nurse said.

"Us." Jason raised his hand.

"Okay, big group. Alphabetically, please." She said. That was kinda hard, but we went by last names.

"I guess that since Rachel, you haven't changed your last name. You guys go first." Leo said.

"Okay!" She said, walking to the room as Paris followed.

Then the Grace's went

Then it was me and Alex's turn.

"Hazel!" Alex yelled. Then he gasped "Frankie..." He said, staring at her.

"Wow, man." I said to Frank "She's beautiful." Frankie had dark skin like Hazel, her brown hair that faded into blonde, and Frank's dark brown eyes.

"Hazel, where Nico?" Alex asked. He loved Nico.

"He had to uhm.. Go see our daddy." She said, trying to translate for a not even toddler yet.

"Otay!" He smiled.

"I'm here!" Annabeth panted by the door.

"Mommy!" Alex jumped into her arms.

"Hey, buddy." She laughed. Then gasped "Frankie..."

"I know.. she's beautiful." Frank said, looking down at the little girl.

"She looks just like Hazel." Annabeth said.

Hazel and Frank had to stay at the hospital for another day, the nurses saw some signs for Jaundice.

"I'm sure she'll be fine, Alex." I told him on the car ride home, he had been pretty worried since we left.

"Yeah, most babies are out between one to three days." Annabeth smiled.

"Otay.." He said, staring out his window.


"Hey, Man!" Jason said on the call.

"What's up, Grace?" I asked him.

"Jax asked to call Alex, is that okay?" He said.

"Alex! Wanna talk to Jax?!" I yelled from the other room.

"Jaxy, Jax, Jax Jax Jax, Ajaxxx!" He sang on his way into the room I was in. "Gimme gimme," He ordered for the phone

I gave him a stare into the eyes.

"Pleaseee," He asked

"Thank you, here you go," I said handing him the phone.

They had a conversation for a good 30 minutes. Then dinner was ready so Alex had to go.

"Bye, Jax!" He said Then gave me my phone back.

"What'd you guys talk about?" I asked as I held his hands down the stairs.

"Show netflix." He said.

"Ohhh, the transformers one?" I asked.

"Yeah! Yeah!" He laughed.

"Let's watch it after dinner!" I laughed.

"Otay!" He said, climbing into his booster seat.

It was pretty cute since Alex was only 11 months, and Jax was 9 months and they could already have a conversation.

"Oh my gods, honey, this is incredible!" I said taking my first bite.

"Why, thank you!" She said.

"Mommy, what is it?" Alex asked.

"Potato soup," She smiled.

"Ohhh," He said, taking a bite out of his dinosaur chicken nuggets.

"Want a bite?" She asked him.

"Mhm!" He said.

"Here you go," She gave him a small spoonful of her soup.

"Mmm, Mommy yummyyy!" He said.

"Thank you! Next time I make it I'll give you some, okay?" She said.

"Yummyy!" He said again. I looked at Annabeth with a smile and she blushed.

"Alex?" She changed the subject "Your birthday is next month, what do you want?" She asked.

"Transformers doll, Hotwheels play car, Fire shoes, Transformers bed." He sang.

"Oh, wow." She said "I'll tell everyone." She pulled out her phone and texted the group chat.

A ding-ding came from my phone as she texted it, Alex laughed. He always loved that sound.

"Hahah!" He said. "Ooo, all done!" He said, getting down.

"Okay, Honey." Annabeth said

"Me too!" I said, scooping the last bite of my soup.

"Dang, Percy." She laughed, finishing her soup up.

I rubbed my tummy and licked my lips "Yummy!" I said mocking Alex and she laughed.

I sat down next to Alex and turned the TV on for him to watch the Transformers.


𝐒𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐚 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫. 𝐒𝐞𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐦𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞!

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