Christmas in San Francisco

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Percy's POV:

I'd gone on a plane plenty of times, and Zeus had given me mercy, and I prayed to my best pabby (The greatest dad, Poseidon) that he would tell Zeus to lay off me.

I woke up Phoebe and Stacy, whom shared a room together, and Annabeth woke up Alex and Parker whom did the same.

"Okay, Phoebes, Stace, wake up!" I said, turning the lights off.

4 year old Stacy turned over and put the blanket over her face "What time is it?"

"4 am." I sighed.

She groaned. Phoebe sat right up.

Her black hair was in a messy ponytail, and her tan cheeks were rosy. She had the exact same skin as Annabeth, tan, but when she slept her cheeks were rosy.

Stacy's pale skin was even paler, and her curly blonde hair was like a rats nest.

"Morning, Daddy!" Phoebe laughed and climbed down from the top bunk.

Stacy groaned "It's still not fair that she gets top bunk." And she got out of bed.

"Because you're getting your own room sooner or later." I said.

Phoebe and Stacy walked over to their dresser, Phoebe got the right side and Stacy got the left.

Watching them stand there was so cute, Phoebe was so short and Stacy was so much taller, although both were short for their ages.

Phoebe picked out a purple long sleeved shirt that said "Have a great day!" In rainbow letters, and black leggings.

Stacy picked out a long sleeved black shirt with flowers and a gray jacket with jeans.

I helped Phoebe brush her thin straight hair, but Annabeth had to put the curly stuff in Stacy's hair since it was thick and curly.

I walked downstairs with the girls' bags and loaded them into the car.

"Hey, Dad!" Six year old Alex said as I walked out the door.

"Hey, Alex." I smiled.

"Dad, how do fish breathe underwater?" Parker asked me.

"Gills." I laughed.

"But you don't have gills." He studied me.

"No," I smiled "No, I don't."

He shrugged and ran back upstairs.

I put the bags in the trunk, and went back inside to put the other ones.


"Who's ready to see Grandpa Frederick and Grandma Elizabeth?" Annabeth asked.

"Me!" They all laughed.

"Okay, Percy, you're sitting with Stacy and Alex and I'm sitting with Phobe and Parker." She told me, looking at our seat tickets.

"Okay," I made a sharp left "Do we have time to eat breakfast at the airport?"

"Yeah, we're gonna be 40 minutes early." She said.

"Alright, cool," I said as my stomach growled.


We got to the airport, did bag check and all that stuff.

The kids each had their carry-on backpacks which consisted of their demi-tablets made from Leo, extra jacket if they got cold, one toy of their choice, and headphones.

We got McDonald's at the airport for breakfast, and sat down at one of the tables.

"Mm, I love eggs!" Parker laughed.

Percy Jackson: Tries For A Normal LifeWhere stories live. Discover now