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Alex's POV:

It had been two weeks of Mom and Dad visiting, all my siblings, all my friends. I could finally stand up without blacking out.

"It's the last day of Camp." Stacy said

"What?!" I yelled.

"Yeah, tomorrow's dad's 34th birthday." Parker said "We'll be home in time."

"Did the others leave?" I asked.

"No, we're all waiting for you." Stacy said "Mom and Dad too."

"Okay." I sighed "The necklace?"

Stacy handed me my necklace, with another added bead. The Hephaestus cabin made it this year. It was silver, and showed the moon and a crown. Symboling Artemis and Hera.

They explained everything that happened while I was out. Hera is still a god and married to Zeus as well. Although, the gods were a little upset about that.

I saw Mom and Dad and my legs started running so much faster. I picked up the pace until I was sprinting and ran into their arms with a sob.

"Alex!" Mom shouted "We're okay!"

"You did such a good job." Dad said.

I dug my fingernails into his shoulders with a tight grip.

"I thought I was going to die like 700 times." I laughed.

"We know how that feels." Dad laughed "Go see your friends then we leave."

I said goodbye to all my friends at camp who were staying, then the other ones that I would probably see tomorrow.

Then Luna and Jack.

"Luna, I hope that camp suits you well." I laughed.

"I can say one thing, the food here is better than anything my dad made." Luna laughed.

"Dad didn't make anything." Jack said.

"Yes, Jack, that was the joke." Luna told him.

"But it's not funny." Jack said.

"Never mind, Jack." Luna pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Thank you." Luna said to me "For saving us."

"No problem." I said.

"It's what heroes do." Stacy smiled.


Percy's POV:

Today is my 34th birthday. Gods, I'm so old. But, at least Annabeth is a month older, so I'm still younger than her.

Anyway, Annabeth and I decided to invite the whole gang over. The whole gang.

Thalia, Grover, Jason, Piper etc. . . those people.

We also wanted it to be kind of a celebration for Phoebs, Alex and Stacy kind of sort of.

I did want to have a talk with Parker about why he refused to go later on, but I decided to do it now while it was me and him in the room.

"Oh, hey dad." He said "Happy Birthday, everyone else is sleeping."

"Yeah, I just wanted to talk to you about something." I said.

"Okay, just remember that I'm only 8." He said.

"No, no its not that." I laughed.

"Okay, good, because I already learned that." He said.

"It's about the quest." I said and he frowned "Why didn't you want to go?"

"Because I-" He sighed "I'm not good with the whole 'I'm gonna die' thing, and if any of my siblings died, I didn't wanna be there."

Percy Jackson: Tries For A Normal LifeWhere stories live. Discover now