True Colors Show

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With Piper, Calypso, and Penny:

Piper's POV:

There were 2 beds, Cal and I were going to share and give Penny her own, but Pen was too scared. So I decided to sleep with her, and she asked to sleep with a knife under her pillow. That scared me, kind of wish Cal was sleeping with her.

"Do you always sleep with a k-knife, Pen?" I said braiding her hair. Cal was showering. "Yep!" Penny said joyfully "Before my mom brought me to camp half-blood when she couldn't take me, she told me to take a knife to bed with me." She said "And I do it in honor of her."

"Awe, I bet you always wait for summer to end so you can see her." I regretted that when there was no response

--Thunder-- --Boom-- --Crash-- The God's were getting anxious

"I stay year round." Her voice went emotionless. "When I said she couldn't take care of me, it was because she was dying." Penelope said, her voice trembling

"Oh, my." I said taken back, this emotional wreck.. "Well, I'll start visiting you when you stay." I said lightening the mood.

"Okay, Pipes!" She said, happy again.

"Alright, your braid is all done." I said looking at it, making sure it was perfect

"Yay!" And she hopped on the bed, watching TV.

Calypso got out of the shower, "Hey, Cal, I found out students about Pen." I said pulling her by the robe she had on.

"Yes?" She said

"Well.." I explained everything

"Oh, wow, that's really sad." Calypso said trying to get a glance at Penny.

I walked into the room and Penny was laying on her stomach, her golden eyes shimmering in the light of the TV. Her brown hair shining from the wetness of it. She was writing in a pink notebook.

"What's that?" I asked as I walked in with Calypso.

"My diary. I write in it so that people can read it after I die." She said still writing "If they're with me when I die, my last words will be the code." She said

"Oh, you really come prepared" Calypso said

"Yep!" Penny said


Jason, Percy, Grover, and Orion's room:

Percy's POV:

"Hey, Orion," I said as he punched the air


"What's up?" The brown-haired, Sage Green eyes, Olive skinned kid said

"Do you like to be called anything besides Orion?" I asked

"Nah, I like Orion. It's cool," He said still punching air

"True that." Jason said "I always hated my name, too basic." He laughed, biting and apple.

"My name is too soft." Grover bleated. "I always wished it was something like "'Dwayne'" He said

"Alright, Dwayne," Orion said, stopping to look at us.

"For someone who's mother is the Goddess of Motherhood, you don't seem that loving. No offense" Jason said, trying to sound as nice as possible.

"Yeah, no, I'm nothing like that weak, wretched woman." He said rolling his eyes, grabbing a water.

He was tall for a 14 year old, about 5'8, 3 inches shorter than me and 1 inch taller than Annabeth.

"I saw the way you looked at Alexandria in the lobby," Grover smirked

Percy Jackson: Tries For A Normal LifeWhere stories live. Discover now