The announcement

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Orion: "Annabeth you are pregnant!" He said happily

"What?!" Percy yelled

"I.. am?" I said looking down and grabbing my stomach.

"I'll uhm.. Leave you two to it." He said.

It was about 2 minutes of silence

"Percy?" I asked "What if it's a boy? Are you happy? Will they be okay? What about the hous-"

"Shh, Annabeth, calm down." He squatted and sat next to me on the bathroom floor. "It'll be okay. I'm ready for this is you are." He smiled and stared in my eyes.

"I'm ready." I smiled back.

"And the wedding is in a week. We'll be okay." He said

I was going wedding dress and bridesmad dress shopping with Piper, Calypso, Rachel, Hazel, and Iris.

Iris was 2 months old, and we wanted to buy her a cute dress since Calypso wore boy clothes, and so did Leo, that's what Iris pretty much wore. So Cal wanted her to have a mix of styles to see what she likes.

We wanted to get my dress first to pick out the theme of dresses.

We walked in and a women named 'Clarissa' helped us pick one out.

"Okay, so what style are you looking for, Annabeth?" Clarissa asked me

"Something not too fancy... Something that outlines my body, but at the top it has no straps. I don't want any cleavage showing, ruffles are fine, no sparkles" I said, imaging my dream dress.

"Okay, on it," She started walking towards the back.

Iris was trying to talk to the guy at the front desk. He kept waving at her and babbling back.

Clarissa came back with a dress. It was exactly what I had hoped for.

I tried it on and it looked amazing. I walked out for everyone else to see and they were awestruck

"Annie, you're so pretty," Piper said

"Coming from the daughter of a beauty go-" I cut myself off before finishing, there were mortals around who didn't need to hear.

They all laughed at me.

"So.. Do you like it?" Clarissa asked me

"Do I like it?! I absolutely love it! It's the one." I said, looking at myself in the mirror.

"Okay, Veil or crown?" She asked me


She came over with the matching veil. Not to toot my own horn, but I looked absolutely gorgeous.

"Okay, our work is done here." Clarissa said.

We paid for the veil and dress, and left to go to a different store that had bridesmaids dresses.

"What color theme do you want us to have?" Hazel asked

"Uhmmm.." I couldn't think

"What about gold? To represent your wisdom," Calypso snickered.

"Or red," Rachel said

"What kind of wedding is red?" Hazel asked

"Christmas weddings." Rachel defended herself

"But is it Christmas?" Piper asked

"We don't even celebrate Christmas. Because well.. You know.." Calypso said

"Oh, whatever," Rachel said

"Bababa purrrp," Iris said. I know that it was just gibberish, but purple hit me.

Percy Jackson: Tries For A Normal LifeWhere stories live. Discover now