First Crush

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Percy's POV:

Annabeth and I had the day off, so I stayed home with Ada, Phoebe and Parker while Annabeth picked up Alex and Stacy from school.

"Hi, Ada!" Phoebe squealed in a high pitched voice.

Ada smiled and cracked up.

I heard keys jingling at the door and then it opened.

Stacy was laughing "Alex has cr-"

"SHH!" Alex shushed.

"Alex has a cruushh!" Stacy sang.

"Anastasia!" Annabeth said "Alex asked you not to tell anyone!"

"Oh, my gods, why is it such a big deal if dad knows or not?" Stacy rolled her eyes.

"It's not about who knows, Anastasia, he's just embarrassed about it." Annabeth said.

"Whatever." Stacy said.

"I don't even understand why you're so worked up about it, though." Parker said "Having a crush isn't a bug deal."

"Coming from the 3 year old who's had a crush on Danae since- Well- Forever." Alex rolled his eyes.

Parker's tan face was redder than a tomato. "N-Not true."

"It's pretty true." Stacy said.

"Nuh-uh." Parker said.

"Yeah, it is." Phoebe said "And I'm only 1."

"Ugh." Parker groaned.

"Who's the lucky lady?" I teased Alex.

Annabeth shot me a look that could kill a monster, but lucky for me, I'd been used to it.

"A girl named Hayley." Stacy said.

"Stacy! I wanted to say it!" Alex yelled.

"Anastasia, just please go do your homework and stop teasing your brother." Annabeth said.

Anastasia shrugged and walked over to the table with her bag.

"So..." I said "Hayley.."

Phoebe went upstairs to her room to practice her handstand or whatever, and Annabeth took Ada to the table to talk to Stacy about '𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒇𝒇'' she claimed it was.

"Yeah," Alex's head lowered "Hayley Zimmerman."

"Okay, what does she look like?" I smirked.

"Brown hair, brown eyes, she always wears jeans and a shirt with a headband." Alex said "Her straight hair is always a little curled at the bottom."

"Awe, Alex." I sighed.

"She always hangs out with her best friend, Hayden." Alex said "She and her are always having girl sleepovers and stuff."

"What does Hayden look like?" I asked him, trying to have a man talk with him. Gods, I'm cheesy.

"Wavy ginger hair, electric blue eyes, tall, always wears jeans as well." He said. "Why does she matter?"

"Well, always try to befriend the same friends, it'll get you two closer." I told him. Maybe I was giving good advice.

"Well, Hayden is pretty popular." Alex said "She's energetic and scary too. She gets into fights with the people she doesn't like."

"Oh, really?" I said. Uh-oh.. Hayden may get in the way of Haylex. Yes. I have a name.

"But, she's always the last one picked up. She's quiet after Hayley goes home. She reads and sits in the corner of the room." He said "I think she may have home problems."

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