Camp Called

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Percy's POV:

I woke up to the sound of my ringtone and Annabeth slapping me.

"Percy, answer the phone!" She yelled to me.

I picked up the phone and rubbed my eyes "Yeah?"

"Perseus?" A familiar voice asked.

"Chiron!" I said "Is everything okay?" I asked worridly.

"Depends." He said "Zeus and Hera have been having. . . fights."

"Fights?" I asked and that seemed to make Annabeth's head perk up.

"Hera claims she can't stand Zeus anymore, and vice versa." He said "This has angered the other gods due to Hera missing their meeting because she doesn't want to see Zeus."

"So, what's the outcome?" I asked, trying to sound somewhat smart.

"Hera has cheated on Zeus." He said.

I gasped. My mouth hung wife open "But that-"

"Yes, I know, she has sworn to be loyal to Zeus, that's her whole scheme." Chiron said "This has caused arguments between all gods, voting to kick her out of the thrones of Olympus or not."

"Okay, so that explains the thunderstorms." I said.

"She's had a child with a mortal." Chiron said "But this wasn't entirely recently, this child was born 10 years ago, making her Alex's age."

"Oh, gods." I said "That's not-"

"Grover has tracked her down, but she's somewhere that he claims no one on his team wants to enter." Chiron said.

"What, is it like in a desert?" I asked "Or underground. He hates und-"

"No, it's in Alaska, incredibly cold." Chiron said "Not good for goats."

"I-" I started but no words came out.

"There's something else too." Chiron said "Another forbidden half-blood."

"Don't say.."


"But how?!" I yelled "That's impossible!"

"Yes, it should be." Chiron said "But it was not her fault."

"So, what happened?" I asked.

"It was for the sake of her hunters." He said "The guy would have found out about them if she hadn't done such a thing, so she put on a show to protect them."

"Okay, and why hasn't that Half-Blood been found either?" I asked.

"Abusive dad and step-mom, you know the type." Chiron said "Grover and his team would not like to meet Smelly Gabe 2.0." He said.

"Me neither." I said. "So, are you sending Half-Bloods?"

"I-" He said "I called to ask if Alex, Stacy, and Phoebe could go."

I had no words. Annabeth and I had talked about what would happen when the kids have their first quest, but why now?

"Why only those three?" I asked "And it's Phoebe's first time!"

"They are children of the most remembered Half-Bloods." Chiron said "And those three because Parker claims that quests are not his thing, he'd rather study them."

"Okay, but, they haven't proven to be worthy, have they?" I asked.

"Percy, I've seen Alex in the sword field, he's mastered 'Water Bottle' or, 'μπουκαλι νερό'" He said. "And, Stacy, she knows where every place is on earth, and her strategies are better than anyone else in the cabin, and Parker. Plus she knows how to use a dagger incredibly well." He said.

"And. . . Phoebe?" I asked, I felt so proud that these were my kids.

"Man, she not only swims well, but she's amazing at using her resources along with Alex." He said "Last week, they used their powers together and formed this ginormous wave that still hasn't evaporated." He said "So I'd say that the Jackson siblings are incredible in battle."

"Call Rachel." I said.

"Farwell, Perseus." He said and hung up.

I turned to Annabeth whom had tears flooding down her eyes.

"Ready?" I asked.

She shook her head and wrapped her arms around me.

"I know," I said "But, the time was coming."


Percy Jackson: Tries For A Normal LifeWhere stories live. Discover now