Time Flies + Grace Baby

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Percy's POV:

Alex was 2 months old and was now taking formula to drink. All the campers had left and now our group was leaving. We waved Chiron off and left.

"Left the house pregnant, entering it with a 2 month old baby," Annabeth sighed.

"Yeah.. It's sad isn't it?" I said

"I want him to be back In here now. He's already growing up, he almost has a full head of black hair." Annabeth said, her messy curly hair bouncing as we went over a speed bump.

"Yeah, but good news is that Piper and Calypso are both having their kids soon," I said reassuringly

"Yeah, then we can have playdates and such." Annabeth said thinking about it.

"Yeah! Now you're getting it!" I laughed

"Shh, Percy look." She said, smiling and pointing to Alex

"Awe.. Oh, my gods." I said in awe.


At the house we laid the sleeping Alex in his bassinet and hung out. Annabeth read a book and I jumped in the pool outside.

Then Alex started crying, thank gods that the bassinet was in the living room where Annabeth was, because the both of us could here it.

"Shh, baby, it's okay," I heard Annabeth say as I walked in the room completely dry.

He still cried.

"UGH, Percy can you please go get him his bottle?" She ordered and I headed down the stairs.

I came back with the bottle and she fed it to him, he stopped crying and finished the whole thing.

"There you go, baby." She said calmly "Wanna hold him, Percy?" She asked me

"Yeah!" And she handed me the baby. It was at that moment that I knew that nothing bad would happen to this baby. I would love him with all my heart, he would grow up with a loving family, nothing like the one we had. I would save him from anything and if he got hurt, I would hug him and be the best dad anyone could ask for. Because he deserves the whole world, if only he could realize that at this age.

"He's the world in a baby, isn't he?" Annabeth asked me

"Yeah, and Olympus. And and all the God's powers combined couldn't even reach him." I said, not taking my eyes off of Alex.

"You're already the best dad ever, you know that right?" She asked me

"Yeah, and I always will be. I'll be the dad we never had." I said

"And I'll try my best to be the mom I never had." She smiled

"You're already the best mom. You don't need to try." I said looking at her.

She smiled and walked out.

4 months later, Alex is 6 months old
"Percy?!" Annabeth yelled

"Naí?!" I yelled back

"Come here!" She said

"Coming!" I ran down the stairs, holding Alex in a burping position and holding his head in an area where it wouldn't snap off his neck.

"What happened?" I asked her

"Piper wanted to come over, is that okay?" She asked me

"Is Jason coming?" I asked her, trying not to sound obsessive

"Yes, Percy." She rolled her eyes at me.

"Okay, yeah I'm fine with it." I said, putting Alex on his back on the floor mat in the living room.

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