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*𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒*

Annabeth's POV:

"I can't help but feel responsible," Piper whispered into my ear.

"Pipes.. Why? You know that there's nothing we could have done." I said, reassuringly.

"But.. I could have. If I were just stronger." She said

"No. You are so strong. What happened to Penny will only make you strong..Okay?"

"O-okay.." She said and returned her focus to the priest

"Would anybody like to make a speech?" The pope I guess said

"I would." Piper said. ",Please"

"Come on up."

"On this quest that we had.. We were told to stop the war.. But what we made it was worse. We had to put other people's lives in danger. But Penny..... she didn't deserve to die so young. She never hated anyone, she only loved people. That's the best trait she had, she could brighten up a room just by smiling, and her future seemed even brighter with the confidence she had. But it wasn't. I know she would've loved all of you here, no matter your mistakes. We love you, Penny" Piper was tearing up but she came back down

"That was beautiful... Anyone else?" He asked "No? Okay," He said "You may see the bodies of your loved ones."

Our group walked over to Penny. She wasn't blue anymore, but her eyes were closed. She was in a white silky dress with her hands on her stomach. She was still so pretty.

Lexi started sobbing some more, and Orion hugged her. "Thanks, Oreo," She said with a faint smile

"Of course," He said

Me and Percy said goodbye to the campers, and left to go back home. Grover waved us off from Half-Blood hill and stayed there for a while.

"Percy?" I said in the car


"Was it really my fault?",

"What was your fault?"


"What?!" He said, pulling over "Annabeth. Annabeth, no. Of course it isn't. It was Zeus's fault for A. Making Children fight and B. Making us fight at all." He said

"Yeah... Yeah, you're right," I said "She was so excited to fight, and she still had a smile on her face when she died. She went down the way she wanted to.. In a fight." I said, smiling

"She's just like her dad. But WAYY more caring and sweet." Percy said, getting back on the road

"Yeah.. That's for sure." I said "I still cannot believe that Caleo had a baby."

"I know! I mean, I knew they would have kids, but they always said the would adopt instead soo..." He said, laughing at the thought of Leo and Calypso.. you know

"Percy..." I said realizing something "After our wedding, and we're married and stuff.. Would you want kids?" I asked, trying not to sound like a brat

"Yeah! Of course. I always wanted to be a better dad than mine." He started "Unless.. You don't want any.." He said sadly

"No, no, I always wanted to be better parents than ours were too," I said, smiling

"Okay, then. After the wedding." He smiled at me

"After the wedding." I smiled back.


"Home sweet home." He said walking into our apartment.

Percy Jackson: Tries For A Normal LifeWhere stories live. Discover now