A Christmas in North Carolina

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Percy's POV:

"ITS CHRISTMAS! MOMMY! DADDY! IT'S CHRISTMAS!" Alex screamed whilst jumping on me and Annabeth's bed.

"Yayy, now go back to bed," Annabeth said.

"No!" Alex yelled "Presents!" He said.

"Alex, we're not opening presents until 11, okay?" Annabeth said.

"I'll go make breakfast," I said. I walked into the kitchen and started cooking bacon and eggs.


At about 9:30 AM I finished cooking and everyone sat down to eat.

"Mm, Daddy, this is yummy!" Alex said.

"Glad you think so!" I said "Feeling better?" I asked Annabeth.

"Oh yeah, much better." She said as she took a bite of bacon.

"I can't wait to be a broder!" He yelled.

"I know, I can't wait either." I said.

"Me three." Annabeth laughed.

"Do you want a boy or a girl?" I asked Alex.

"Boy!" He smiled "What do you want, daddy?" He asked me

"I'm fine with either, what about mommy?" I looked at her.

"I want a girl!" She said.

"Eww, why?" He asked "You have Iris instead." He said.

"But wouldn't it be cute if you had a little girl for you to protect?" Annabeth asked him.

"Oh yeah.. Never mind, I want a girl!" He said.

"Okay, we'll have to wait." I told him.

"I know..," He said sadly.


"It's 11! Present time!" He said.

"Okay, okay!" Annabeth said.

"This one is big. Who's it from?" He asked me.

"Oh, that's Mommy's mommy." I told him.


"No, Annabeth. It's not Athena," I told her. She sighed with relief knowing that if it was from her it would probably be a spear or something.

Alex tore the gingerbread wrapping paper off and it was a box. I opened the box for him and he took out the paper.

He gasped "A remote car!"

"Elizabeth got that?" Annabeth asked me.

"Yep.. People change, Annabeth." I told her.

She just kinda stared at the paper for a little bit, tears forming in her eyes.

"Mommy, who's this one for?" He asked her, completely ignoring anything but the presents.

"Here," I said "Why don't I give you all your presents in front of you?" I said

"Okay!" I put all his presents in front of him.


When we finished opening presents, we invited everyone else over to our room. I made Ham, potatoes, and Mac &cheese for everyone.

Calypso brought her mud pie, Leo brought his cooked carrots and broccoli.

Frank brought his Cheesecake. Piper bought a bunch of chocolate and cookies for everyone. Jason brought eggnog, Rachel and Paris brought crackers, cheese, and meat for appetizers.

Everyone had been snacking on the meat and cheese boards, and chocolate and Cookies whilst waiting for the main course. Jason, Frank and I sat the bowl of Mac & Cheese, Ham, Broccoli, Carrots, and potatoes on the table.

We all ate as much as we could and talked about our experiences with the kids and presents this morning. Then when we were done with the main course, we put the Pies and Cheesecake and stuff on the table and ate that.


It was around 8:00 pm and we were all watching Home Alone 2, earlier we watched the first one.

"It sucks that they made the third one so sucky," Jason said.

"Yeah, I would've liked a good one." I said.

"At least the first and second ones are worth watching on repeat." Piper said.

"Oh, yeah, 100%." Hazel said.

"Elf is definitely my favorite," Rachel said.

"My favorite Christmas movie is Die Hard," Jason said, and I laughed.

"Mine is The Grinch," Leo said.

"I like those Hallmark ones," Piper laughed.

Jason groaned "UGH, She had those on all night last night."

"I don't blame her." Hazel said, holding the sleeping Frankie.

"Shh, mommy. The mom is crying on TV." Iris told Calypso.

"Okay, boss." Calypso rolled her eyes as Leo laughed. He was holding Ophelia who was out like a light.


At around 9:30, everyone had to leave and put their kid's and themselves to bed. Alex had had a tiring day, and tomorrow night we had to be on the plane ride back home.

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