Camp Half-Blood

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Percy's POV:

"Alex, do you have to go?" Stacy asked, twirling her plain noodles with her fork.

"Yeah, Stacy." He said, slurping a spaghetti noodle with marinara sauce. "I have to train if I'm ever going to save Olympus like Mom and Dad."

"Where's Olympus, and what is it?" Phoebe asked.

"Mom and Dad will tell you all the stories, they still haven't told me all of them." Alex said.

"When you guys are ready, we'll let you read the books." Annabeth laughed.

"Yay!" Parker said "I love books."

"I don't." Phoebe said with an eye roll.

"You'll like these ones." I smirked.

"Alex, I really don't want you to go." Stacy said.

"I know." Alex said and pursed his lip "Maybe if I let you sleep in my bed all summer."

"But that's not fair!" Phoebe said "I'm gonna miss you too!"

"I know, Phoebs.." He said "You can wear some of my clothes?"

"Okay, thank you big bro!" She laughed.

"What about me?" Parker said, his voice quivering.

"My..." Alex hesitated "We already share a room, what about my favorite hat?"

"Alex, I thought you were bringing it." Annabeth said.

"Eh, I don't need it." He shrugged "Parker can use it whilst I'm gone."

"Thank you!" Parker laughed.


"Night, Stacy, Night, Phoebe." I said to them.

"Goodnight, Dad." They said.

I walked out and Annabeth walked in.

"Goodnight, Alex and Parker." I said, walking into their room.


I made my way downstairs and plopped on the couch with a sigh.

"I'm really gonna miss him." Annabeth said.

"I know," I said "Me too."

"It was really sweet how he let the kids have something of his." She smiled.

"Alex is just a really sweet person." I said "It's gonna suck when people dont realize that and do what people do."

"And especially if he ends up like us." She said "Fighting monsters, being heroes, doing the God's work."

"Yep." I clicked my tongue "But, I know it'll all be worth it in the end."

"It always was for us." She smiled and sat next to me.

"Maybe he'll find the love of his life doing it just like we did." I smirked.

"Maybe.." She laughed "Or maybe he'll stay with me forever."

"Nah, he needs to be out in the big boy world." I laughed.

"Oh, shut it." She laughed "All five of our kids will be my babies forever."

"What about m-" I hesitated "Five?"

She looked down at her stomach and my heart started pounding.

"No.." I said.

"Yes." She laughed, but that faded after looking at my face "What?"

"I jus-" I froze "Man, Annabeth, we're old."

Percy Jackson: Tries For A Normal LifeWhere stories live. Discover now