Jasper baby #2

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Percy's POV:

"Annabeth! I just got a call from Jason, they're at the hospital!" I yelled.

"I know, Piper texted me. Alex, come on, wanna go see Ari or Chris?" She asked.

"Yeah! I hope it's Chris. There's too many girls in our group." He said "But it's fine if it's a girl.

We got to the hospital and Jax was waiting with Cal, Leo, Iris, and Lia. Cal was forming a baby bump.

"Hey, Cal!" Annabeth said, giving her a hug.

"Hey, Annabeth!" She said.

"Iris! Lia!" Alex said.

"Hey, Man." I said to Leo.

"Hey!" He said happily.

about 40 minutes later, a nurse came into the lobby and asked if we were for the Grace's.

"Okay, do they have any family here right now?" She asked.

Rachel and Paris were Gods know where, Hazel and Frank were going to visit Hades because of visions that they'd been having.

"Ajax is their son." I said to her.

"Okay, this is a fairly small group so I'll allow you all to go together." The Nurse said.

We all followed her into the room to see Piper holding a baby wrapped in a pink blanket.

"A girl?" Alex asked.

"Yeah!" Piper said.

Iris and Alex groaned but then got excited.

"Oh, God's, she's beautiful." I said, and she was. She was the most beautiful baby I'd ever seen.

"Right? She had my skin color. Like it's not even a mix of Jason's and I's like Jax. It's mine. And she has my hair. Gods it would look beautiful with Jason's blue eyes!" She said obsessively.

"Okay, my turn?" Jason asked.

Piper hesitantly handed Ariana to her dad.

"Mommy, can you have a girl?" Alex asked as he stared at Ari.

"Maybe. It might be a boy, though." I laughed.

"UGH. Calypso needs a boy, you need a girl." Alex groaned.

Leo and Calypso looked at each other worriedly. "We're having a girl." Calypso said.

The Blood drained from our faces. "B-but that doesn't mean it's true.. Just because the gender was right." Piper laughed nervously.

"Pipes.. The vision was.." Calypso got choked up

"At the age of 15, the baby girl will venture a quest. She will fail immensely, and face even bigger problems than the quest. Claimed by danger, not Hephaestus nor Atlas. The Fates shall not cut the string, but she will herself to save and protect. She will not be rebellious nor cruel. But a sweet flower planted inside Tartarus. She will have a twin that was uncalled for whom shall also be a girl. She will be rebellious and refuse the quest and later regrets it." Leo recited from the vision.

"O..oh, gods." Annabeth said.

"Twin girls? Quests? Oh gods, I'm so sorry you guys!" Piper said.

"Yeah.. We'll be fine! I'm sure we can get through this." Calypso said.

Jason and I looked at each other for a while.


We had to go home eventually, and Alex fell asleep in the back of our car.

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