Alex's first competition

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Annabeth's POV:

Today was Alex's first competition. Of course it was a bunch of 1 and a half year old competing, so it was a friendly competition. All he had to do was do a cannonball and back stroke. Percy had to work today, which Alex was pretty upset about, but I promised to record it for Percy.

"Alex! Do you have your swimsuit?!" I yelled from downstairs.

"Yes, Mommy! Did you find my goggles?!" He yelled back.

"Just come down here I'm not yelling!"

"Fine!" He stomped down the stairs.

"Here are your goggles." I laughed.

"Okay, help me put this all in the bag." He ordered.

"Excuse me. You don't talk to me like that." I scolded him.

"Well, I can't do it by myself." He rolled his eyes.

"Nuh-uh. I'm not helping you until you cut out that attitude." I scoffed.

"You have the atti- attidude." He struggled to say.

"Maybe we just won't go." I put my hands on my hips.

"No! I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" He cried.

"That's more like it." I smiled.

I put his towel, shark water bottle, goggles, swim shoes, his favorite snack (goldfish), and I put a notepad for myself because the guy keeping track of the scores was the father of my son's competition and I didn't trust him.

"Mommy, why don't you trust David? He plays perfectly fair with Annabelle." He asked me.

"I still don't trust him." I said

"Okay, whatever." He laughed.


We arrived at 'Swimming with the Guppies,' which is what the building is called. They had different sections for different ages and stuff. Like there was "Newborn Classes," "Little Guppies," (which was Alex's class, ages 1 ½ - 3) "Shark Attack" (4-6), "Stingrays" (7-9), "Killer Whales" (10-13). Killer whales was the oldest group. As we walked into Little Guppies, there were a bunch of moms and dads helping their toddlers. We were going against "Angel Fishies," which was a different swim school for rich people.

"Alright, everyone!" The announcer, David, said as I helped Alex get his swim shoes on. "We're going to begin in 7 minutes! Here are the teams competing:

"Isabelle Perry from "Swimming with the Guppies," going against Gianna from "Angel Fishies."" Isabelle was a 2 year old little girl. I assumed she was Hispanic, but i could be wrong. She had brown hair, brown eyes and almond skin. Gianna Fernandez also Hispanic, that I knew for sure. She was 2 with brown hair and brown and Limestone.

"Adam Hawkins from 'Swimming with guppies," going against James from 'Angel Fishies.'" Adam was a 2 year old boy with Red hair, extremely blue eyes, and pale skin. James Park was a ½ year old boy with smooth black hair, brown eyes, and fair skin.

"Alexander Jackson from 'Swimming with Guppies,' against Annabelle Evergreen, my daughter, from 'Angel Fishies,'. I rolled my eyes. Annabelle looked exactly like David. She had dirty blonde hair, electric blue eyes, freckles, and tan skin.

"And last but not least, Katrina Coleman from "Swimming with Guppies," against Fiona Fresh from "Angel Fish,". Katrina was Russian, her parents had the accent but not Katrina, she had thin straight brown hair with brown eyes. Fiona had red hair, brown eyes, and fair skin.

"4 minutes, people!" David announced.


"Alright, will Isabelle Perry and Gianna Fernandez please make their way to rows 4 and 5?" David asked over the announcements.

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