The war begins.

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Annabeth's POV:

We were all still in shock about this war against the Titan's. Especially the kids, they were freaking out. Then Calypso was away from Iris, not only that, but she would be in war, where she could possibly die.


The campers arrived in Olympus. They were dressed in armor and had weapons. We were all ready too.

"I'm so scared," Lexi said

"It's okay," Orion smiled at her.

"We'll be okay!" Penny smiled. I could also really tell that she enjoyed that she would be in war

"Hey, Pen," Piper said


"Did you write in your journal?" Piper asked

"Yeah! I have a chance of dying, so I wrote a ton." She said

"Please don't die, Penelope." Lexi said with tears in her eyes.

"Okay. But if I do, someone better come up to me when I'm almost dead so they can hear my password for it." She said loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Okay," Percy chuckled


We all went into the Throne room. Zeus was going to teleport us or something to the battlefield. "Everyone ready?!" He yelled

"YEAH!" Everyone yelled back

We arrived at the Battle field in 0000.2 seconds.

The titans were on the other side. They saw us and got ready in their stance.

"FIGHT!" A voice said, although I wasn't sure whom.

Everyone ran towards the titans, except for Lexi, who waited.

The titans ran into our area too, and the fight began.


It was about 40 minutes into the fight. There was blood everywhere, and dead bodies too.

I just hoped to the gods that no one I knew was killed. Or any of the campers, they were so young. But I wrapped my head around the reality, of course some of them were.

A titans sliced my shoulder whilst on his horse. I went up behind him and put him in a headlock, and slit his throat. I heard a neck crack, Penny had cracked a guys neck open

"Nice!" I yelled at her

"PENNY! WATCH OUT!" Piper screamed

"Wha- AHHHHHHH," A titan held her and squeezed her throat. Piper and I went up behind the titan and tried to slit his throat too. Penny was blue. As we were about to slit his throat, another titan dragged up away. Me and Piper killed them off easily.

"PENNY!" Piper screamed "PENELOPE" "NO!"

We sprinted over to her, she was blue and purple.

"Penelope!" "No.." She started sobbing whilst picking her up and feeling her pulse. It was slow, but there.

"Piper.." Penny said weakly

"Penny! Yes? what?" She said, her tears running even faster

"7899," She said weakly

"No, no, you're not gonna di-" There was no more pulse

"NOOOO!" Piper screamed

"Oh my gods. Penelope..." I started crying. Piper had gotten to know her better, but Penny was still my friend.

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