Iris's Birthday and Big News

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Percy's POV:

It was Iris's first birthday. We had to talk to her parents about what Annabeth heard and everything. It could have something to do with the curse. I woke up Annabeth and told her we had to leave in 30.

"Okay, Percy! I changed." She yelled

Her bump was getting bigger, and she took any free time to lightly exercise so she could stay in shape, so she had to start wearing comfy stretchy clothes. She had a pink romper that she used to always complain about.

"Oh, God's. That outfit? Don't complain about it to me, please. That's all you do when you wear it." I said.

"Okay, I promise." She teased

"Let's go." I said.


We got to Calypso and Leo's house, it had balloons on the mailbox and a banner over the front door that said 'Happy Birthday' on it.

We rang the doorbell and Leo opened it.

"Percy!" He said "What's up, my man?!"

"You're asking me? Your daughter is one, man! How do you feel?" I said

"Time flies by so fast. And she's having another baby now, too." He said

"Really?!" Annabeth yelled.

"Yep! Baby number 2," Calypso yelled from the kitchen.

--Everyone else came and they announced it to everyone else--

"Cake time!" Calypso yelled

"Mommy, no mess. I need fork." Iris said in her highchair.

"But- Oh, whatever." Calypso said.

"Thanks, mommy," Iris said as she handed her the fork.

After cake, we had Orion get the gender because I guess Leo and Cal were too impatient to wait.

"Well.." Orion said "It's another girl!" He exclaimed.

"Oh, thank the gods." Leo said "I don't want any boys. Girls are more gentle." He said.

"You're also a weak baby." Jason said.

"Sometimes." I implied

"Oh, yeah, yours scary as the River Styx sometimes." Frank said.

"Leo, Calypso, Percy. Can we talk for a little bit?" Annabeth came and asked.

"Sure!" Calypso said.

Me and Annabeth explained everything.

"You guys have noticed too?" Leo asked "I just thought she was really manipulative."

"Yeah, It's the curse." Calypso said "I spoke with Rachel. She knows too, but she said the curse isn't anything bad. She just has more powers."

"Oh, that's extremely good news." Percy said, watching the little girl laugh and clap at Piper's dance moves.


Calypso and Leo said that they had 2 names for if it were a boy or girl.

Boy would've been, Trenton Leo Valdez, and Girl is Ohelia Callie Valdez.

"Awweee," Piper said

"Phi Phi," Iris said, clapping.

"That name is so cute!" Annabeth said.

"It is, isn't it?" Calypso said. Leo hugged her.

"Me and Jason have news too!" Piper said, showing us all her ring.

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