First day

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Annabeth's POV:

"Goodbye, honey." I said to Percy.

"Bye, tell Alex and Stacy that I'm sorry." He said.

"I will." I smiled and leaned against the door frame.

I looked at my watch "Oh, shoot, gotta wake them up."

I ran up the stairs and turned the lights on in both rooms. Alex and Parker's room were right across from Stacy's room, so it was pretty easy to wake them all up .

"Turn the lights back off." Alex groaned.

"Yeah." I heard Stacy's slight groan from her bed.

"No, Stacy, it's your first day of pre-k, and Alex it's your first day of Kindergarten." I said with tears in my eyes.

All my babies were growing up. Tears started coming out of my eyes.

"Oh, yeah!" Stacy laughed and climbed down.

Alex climbed down his bed and gave me a hug.

Parker groaned, and then Alex closed the door on me so he could change.

Stacy did the same.

I went downstairs to pack their lunches and make breakfast.

"Nah, they can have cereal." I poured three bowls of cereal and took out Stacy and Alex's lunch boxes.

I put apple slices and pb&j sandwiches, juice boxes, animal crackers, and a bar.

I put them inside their backpacks, Alex's had supplies inside, and Stacy's was smaller just for crayons, pencils, and lunch box pretty much.

The kids ran down the stairs.

Stacy was wearing blue jeans, a yellow shirt with ruffle sleeves, and her sketcher twinkle toes.

Alex had a red shirt with Spiderman on it, with blue jeans as well, and black Nikes.

Parker had shorts on with a blue tank top.

"Okay, go eat your cereal." I told them. "Nana's coming to watch you Parker."

"Yay!" He jumped up and down.

The kids ate their cereal, and I heard Sally knock on the door

I opened it.

"Hi, Annabeth!" She said and gave me a hug.

"Hi, Sally." I smiled and hugged back.

"Where's my little Parker?" She laughed.

"Eating!" He yelled.

"Ohh," She walked over to the kids "Alexander, Anastasia, aaaannnddd Parker! We're all here." She laughed.

All the kids laughed "Hi, Nana!"

"Mom, Stacy and I are done." Alex said.

"Alright, backpacks on." I said.

"Okay." They hopped down from the chair and put their backpacks on.

"Thank you, Sally." I said.

"Of course!" She said "I love my grankids."

I smiled "Bye, Parker!" I told him "See you when I get back from work."

"Okay!" He laughed and took another bite of his rice Krispy cereal.

I grabbed my keys and Alex, Stacy and I headed for the car.

"Excited?" I asked them.

"Yeah!" They laughed. I really hoped that Stacy would cry on her first day like Alex had done. I needed it.


We pulled into "Long Island Elementary," and it was a gray building with a bunch of doors and an American flag.

"Alright, let's go." I said. Stacy and I walked Alex to his class, Ms. Broom, and he ran inside.

"Hi, Mrs. Jackson." Ms. Broom said. She was about 5'5, and had straight brown hair and brown eyes with black glasses. She was around 25 and wore blue jeans with a white shirt.

"Hello," I said.

"And you are Alex?" Ms. Broom asked him.

"Yeah!" He laughed.

"Alright, you may go on in!" She laughed.

"Okay, come on, Stacy," He said pulling her hand, and then mine.

"Just go find the desk with your name tag." Ms. Broom said after us.

"Found it!" I pointed to his desk.

"Aw, sweet!" He shouted.

Then Stacy squealed and ran to the door when she saw Jax and Ari. We arranged for Jax to be at the same elem school as Alex, and it worked out. Sadly, Troy's going to a uh.. How do I say it? Well, he became blind about a month ago when a monster stabbed his eyes. It's a long story. So, he's going to a school where blind children may learn.

Iris goes to this school as well, though she's in first grade.

"Ari!" Stacy squealed.

"Stacy!" She laughed. They hugged, and Jax walked to find his desk was next to Alex's.

"WOAH!" Jax yelled.

"HEY, NEIGHBOR." Alex said.

"HEY." Jax laughed.

They sat down, and started taking out all their stuff, as the board had instructed.

"Bye, Alex!" I said.

"Bye, Mom!" He said "Love ya."

I knew that he was trying to act cool, but he really was sad.

"Hey, Annabeth!" Piper said as she walked over.

"Pipes!" I laughed.

"Aw." She clenched her heart "They're so cute." She looked at Stacy and Ari, then Jax and Alex.

"Yeah," I said. "They really are."


I got Stacy in the car, and Piper followed behind us.

When we got there, there were moms being dragged by their kids, and kids being dragged by their mom's.

"Memories." Piper said.

It was so sad thinking that we were taking Alex here just a year ago.

His picture was still over the receptionist desk, as was all the other kids in his class.

"I love you, Mom!" Stacy said as I was checking her in.

"Bye, Mom! Love you!" Ari said to Piper as she was doing the same.

They were holding hands and about to walk down the hallway, waiting for us.

"Love you too." I smiled. I gave her the biggest hug I've ever given her.

"Love you, baby!" Piper yelled so loud that if I were Ari, I would've been embarrassed.

Ari and Stacy took off to their classroom.

"Darn it!" Piper said.

"What?" I asked.

"I thought she'd be crying." Piper said.

"Ari crying?" I said "I've never seen that."

"I've never seen Stacy cry." Piper laughed.

"They won't start crying until Middle School when there's drama." I sighed.

"I will resent that day forever."

"Tell me about it." We walked out and into our cars.



Percy Jackson: Tries For A Normal LifeWhere stories live. Discover now