Hearing from Rachel

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Percy's POV:

Anastasia was 3 months, and Iris was almost 3 years old. She was sleeping in her crib now.

Her room was white, but everything else was a light purple or pink. Alex had decided that he wanted to change his room to a sea theme, he found the sea as fascinating as I do.

**Ring ring**

Annabeth and I woke up.

"Who is it?" Annabeth asked me. Someone was calling me.

"It's uhh-- Rachel." I said.

"Oh! Answer it!" Annabeth said.

I answered and held it up to my ear. "Hello?"

"I uhm.. I found out that Paris was cheating on me, so we're getting a divorce. And to make matters worse, I had a miscarriage." She sounded like she has been sobbing for hours.

"Oh, gods... Rachel, I'm so sorry, that's horrible." I said.

"Yeah, I know. And he was cheating on me with some girl named Zabina." She said.

"That little- He doesn't deserve you. I'm extremely sorry about the divorce too. You don't deserve this either. I'm really sorry." I said.

"There's only one good news. I'm adopting a baby, I need some sort of comfort and the baby was what I needed." She said.

"Well, that's great! Do you know-? I asked before she answered me.

"Trey Robert... Dare," She paused before saying Dare.

"Good for you for changing your last name back! What adoption center?" I asked, trying to get off the sad topic.

"In Greece. I'd like him to have greek descent." She said.

"There's a chance that he might be a demigod too, anyways, how old?" I asked.

"I told yoy earlier that it's a baby, but he's 2 and a half. His birthday is June 29th." She said.

"Well good for you! And the kid group can have another boy for once." I laughed. She let out a small laugh.

"I have to go now.. Talk to you later." She said.

I explained to Annabeth everything that had happened.

"Oh, God's, that's extreme." She said.

"Yeah, but I'm excited to meet Trey! Alex will be too." I said.

"True, we should go wake them up by the-" She started before we heard Anastasia cry on the baby monitor.

Annabeth went and got her and I woke up Alex.

"Alex... Alex, buddy, wake up." I shook him gently, he looked so comfy wrapped in his blue sheets.

"Nooo!" He said.

"I have to drop you off at swim practice later. The parents arent allowed to be there, but I still have to drop you off." I said.

"Oh, right." He got up.

"Let's pick out your clothes," I said.

"I have to wear my swim stuff, can I just wear that?" He asked me.

"I mean, yeah, but we don't leave until 12." I told him.

"I know." He said.

"Okay," I shrugged.

He put everything on, and then we walked downstairs.

Anastasia was lying on her playmat on the floor. She had a bow headband in her hair, and a onsie with long sleeves and ruffles.

Percy Jackson: Tries For A Normal LifeWhere stories live. Discover now