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Me and Alex found a way to go down the pit. I was starting to realize that I should've called for help, but I had to do this on my own.

We made our way down into the pitch black pit.

I'd been here before, but it looked different.. Well, I couldn't see anything, so it felt different.

I could hear Parker screaming, it was the worst sound that a mother could hear.

"Parker?!" Alex yelled.

"Alex!" Stacy squealed.

"W-what?" I asked.

Percy and all the kids came out.

"What's happening?" I asked.

"Annbeth, no monster or anything is in here, so much for Wise Girl." He smirked.


"Hades was instructed to move them to the core of earth." He said "Years ago."


"So, I got Hazel in on this. And Alex." Percy said.

"But what was the point?" I asked him.

"Happy Anniversary?" He said.

"Ohh, right." I laughed. I had forgotten, but Percy already knew that.

"Daddy, can we go home?" Stacy asked me.

"I'm not Daddy, but yes. We can."



We got home and I immediately got a call from Piper asking if the three of them could come over, and of course, we said yes.

"Danae!" I squealed as I opened the door.

Piper put her on the mat and gave me a hug.

Jason walked through the door and Ari and Jax sprinted behind them.

"Ari!" Stacy yelled.

"Stacy! We both have pigtails!" Ariana squealed as she saw her.

"Oh, yeah!" Stacy laughed.

"Daddy, can we go in my room?" Stacy asked Percy.

"Yeah, sure." He answered and they ran down the stairs.

Parker was six months, and Danae was 2 weeks old.

Parker loved staring at the baby. He was fascinated. He always wanted to play with the big kids, like run with them and play soccer, like Ophelia was when she was little.

"Baby?" Parker asked me.

"Danae." I smiled.

He nodded and stroked her hair. Piper and I clenched our hearts.

Jax, Alex, Percy, and Jason were playing something outside.

Percy's POV:

"Hey, Jason, remember when we first met?" I asked him.

"Yeah, why?" He dribbled a soccer ball to Jax.

"Just.." I forgot I was having a conversation when my ADHD brought my mind to a different thought.

"Percy?" Jason asked "Just what?"

"Sorry.." I chuckled nervously "I just wish things were back to the way they used to be." I said thinking about the good times.

"What do you mean?" He asked me.

"I mean, I love my life, my wife, and my kids." I said "But, the thrill of adventure. The going to a year at boarding school with the excitement of Camp Half-Blood having a new adventure fore each year." I smiled thinking about it "The thought of saving the world. Anger towards all the gods. Making them mad by disrespecting them." "Being..." I sighed "Persassy."

Jason cracked up "You will forever be Persassy."

"I know that." I smiled "But I haven't saved the world since.."

"I know.." He said "You don't need to say it."

"Look, Percy, I miss it too. But I wouldn't change a thing." He said "And I know you wouldn't either." He looked inside at Piper and Danae, then Jax.

"You're right. I need to stop thinking about 7th grade me." I laughed.

"That dude was a pain." Jason said.

"Dude, I didnt know you in 7th grade." I laughed.

"Tyson did." He laughed.

I laughed "He sure did."


Annabeth's POV:

"He's so cheesy. He literally brought me to Tartarus just to have a date." I laughed "The whole time I was waiting for something to chop my head off."

"Nothing's in there anymore, Annabeth." Piper laughed.

"But that's the thing." I said "It makes me nostalgic."

"How so?" Piper asked me, feeding Danae.

"It.." I began "So many things and adventures have happened down there, that I almost miss it."

"You miss almost dying?" Piper chuckled.

"No! I just miss the adventure."

"No, yeah, I understand." She said "Sometimes I just want to go back to the day Jason and I met."

"Same with Percy." I said "I was a jerk to him for the first half of the 'Lightning Theif,' quest." I laughed.

"Can't blame you." Piper laughed "Although I didn't know him back then, he sounded not so bright." She elbowed me.

"We were opposites in that subject." I laughed.

"Daughter Of Athena marrying her mother's enemy's son." She recited.

"Okay, I know, shut up." I teased.

"But, yeah, I know, I have the moments where I miss being a kid." She laughed.

"Yeah, but one day, we'll all die and restart." I laughed.

"Annabeth!" She yelled.


The boys finally came in, drenched in sweat and dirt all over their clothes.

"Alex! Percy!" I yelled at them.

Piper gave Jason a look that you know scared the crap out of him.

"Piper, please don't do it." Jason said.

"Fine. But you boys are showering when we get home." Piper said "Thank gods that I have two girls." She sighed.

"Mom!" Jax said, offended.

"Ajax, I was kidding. I love you just as much." She smiled "You're just like your dad, what's not to like?"

"Thank you." He said, pleased.

"Well, we'd better go get these boys a shower." Piper said, holding Danae.

"I'll go get Ari." Jax said.

"And Stacy." Alex added as the smelly boys raced up the stairs.

I heard Jax yell "First!"

"By two seconds!" Alex yelled.

Then we heard two girls scream.

"ALEX! YOU HAVE TO KNOCK!" Stacy screamed.

"JAX!" Ari screamed.

Then the girls stomped down the stairs with their arms crossed.

"Dad! Mom!" Ari and Stacy yelled in unsion as Alex and Jax smirked as they walked behind them.


Percy Jackson: Tries For A Normal LifeWhere stories live. Discover now