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Annabeth's POV:

Frankie had turned one a month ago, they didn't want a birthday party for her though. Nat was 4 months old, and Alex was 2 and (almost) a half. Percy had work today, but would come home in about 15 minutes. Meaning I was alone with the kids.

Alex was making funny faces at Anastasia when she was in her highchair.

"Balalllalala," Alex sang as he stretched his face sideways.

Nat started cracking up. I was cleaning up the living room and trusted they would be fine together.

That ended when Alex started screaming and crying.

"What?!" I freaked out.


Nat started laughing. I stomped into the dining room. She let go of his hair.

"I can't do one thing around this house without you guys screaming!" I yelled.

Alex already had tears in his eyes from Anastasia and they were about to get worse.

"You guys need to learn to be nice to each other!" I screamed. "GODS! WHY?!" I screamed again when Nat started balling her eyes out. Then Alex.

"Oh, come on! Alex, you're two years old and can't even handle a baby pulling you're hair?! You're weak! Just like your father!" I yelled, I realized what I said as soon as I said it, but for some reason I didn't stop feeling angry. Alex was crying and so was Nat.

I heard keys jangling from the door as Percy opened it.

"You guys need to start behaving! Or I swear on river Styx that-" I started yelling before Percy walked in.

"What happened?" He asked.

"It doesn't matter! Because you're kids are just like you, weak and stupid crybabies!" I screamed "Maybe you guys should just leave me and never come back! UGH, GODS!"

"ANNABETH?! What the Tartarus?!" He yelled.

"Oops, sorry," I said sarcastically "Did I hurt your feelings again, crybaby?!" I yelled. Nat and Alex started crying even harder.

"Get. Out. If you're going to call my kids stupid, out!" He screamed at me.

"Yeah! 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 Kids! Not mine!" I yelled as I walked out the door, and then slammed it.

I ran down the block and sat at a tree. After about 3 minutes there, I started crying. I couldn't believe that I'd just called my kids and my husband stupid. What kind of mother am I? A horrible one.

"God's, I'm a horrible mom," I whispered to myself.

Percy's POV:

"Hey, come here, Alex.." I squatted down and gave him a hug when Annabeth left.

"Mommy is mean." He said.

"No, She was just angry and said things she didn't mean, she was stressed out. It happens to everyone." I said.

Nat held her arms out for me to pick her up.

"Hey, baby. You ok?" He black curl tickled my nose as she lay her head down on my shoulder.

I sat down with them on the couch and turned a movie on.

"Daddy, can we swim?" He asked me.

"Yeah! Of course!" I said. I got Nat and Alex's swimsuits on and took them to the pool. Alex could swim perfectly without floaties.

"Do the thing!" Alex yelled.

"Alright, fine. Only once." I smiled.

I twirled the water and it splashed Alex. I had to hold Nat, so I couldn't swim with Alex, but Nat and I had fun.

"You like the water?" I asked her and she just bit her fingers. She was teething.

At one point, she put her face in the water and when she came back up she laughed.


At about 4:30 pm, Annabeth still hadn't come home and the kids just had a bath. (seperately).

"What do you guys wanna do?" I asked them.

"Uhh.. " Alex said, thinking about it.

"How about we watch a movie?" I asked.

"Yeah!" Alex shouted. I was still nervous about Annabeth.

"What movue?" I asked.

"Nemooo!" He laughed.

"Memo!" Nat copied.

Alex gasped. "Her first word was Nemo!"

Annabeth's POV:

I had been at that tree for 3 hours. I just felt so safe under it. I figured I should go home and apologize to everyone, so I jogged back home.

When I walked through the door, everyone was watching Nemo.

"Mommy!" Alex gasped.

"Hi, Alex." I smiled, then kneeled down to his height. "I'm sorry about earlier... You're not stupid, you are so smart. And I know that Nat was pulling your hair hard, I shouldn't have yelled or done any of that. I'm sorry," I apologized.

"It's okay, Mommy. Nat said Nemo!" He said happily.

"Oo, really?" My eyes widened

"Yep!" He laughed.

I walked into the living room and kissed Nat's forehead.

"Hi." I said to Percy, sitting next to him.

"Hey," He looked back at the TV and smirked.

"Oh, you're gonna make m- Oh, fine." I said. "Perseus Jackson, I am so sorry for calling you a stupid crybaby and threatening to leave you." I teased.

He just kept his eyes on the TV and smirking. I kissed him on the cheek.

"That's better." He laughed.

"Finally," I rolled my eyes.


Percy's POV:

We laid the kids in bed and plopped on our bed.

Annabeth sighed and said "Think we should use that coupon soon?" I laughed.

"Yep." He laughed.

"I could have Alex stay the night with Jax and Sally watch Nat." I said.

"Yeah, but Alex and Nat are gonna be upset, they haven't been apart in.. well.. ever." I said.

"Eh, they'll get over it." Annabeth laughed "We really need this."

"We do.."

"What about this saturday?" Annabeth asked.

"6:00 pm, sounds good," I laughed.

"Its a date."

"Sure is, M'lady"

"You're cute, Seaweed Brain."

"You too, Wise Girl."


Percy Jackson: Tries For A Normal LifeWhere stories live. Discover now