Alone.. almost

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Annabeth's POV:

All the kids would be going back to camp today. Except for Ada, whom had another year. It would be Phoebe's first year, and all the other kid's along with them.

"Alright, everyone ready?" I asked.

"Yes, Mom." Parker said.

"You're actually wearing jeans." Stacy said, shocked.

"I own a few." He said bashfully.

"You look good, Bro." Alex said. "Kinda."

"Think that Danae will like this change?" Stacy smirked.

"I dunno." Alex clicked his teeth "She did like his preppy style."

Parker's face was red "Stop!"

"Kids, stop." Percy said.

"Whatever." Stacy rolled her eyes and walked out the door, her curly blonde ponytail bouncing on her back, letting us know she was mad.

We all walked to the car and drove to Camp Half-Blood.

"Guys, remember what I said about helping Phoebe get signed it." I said.

"We know." Stacy said.

"And stay safe." I said

"We know." Alex said.

"But have fun." Percy said.

"We know!" Parker yelled then gasped and cupped his hand over his mouth "Sorry, sorry, didn't mean to yell."

"It's okay, Parks, you're 9, it's gonna happen." I said.

"Okay," He sighed.

We all stood on Half Blood-Hill and say our goodbyes.

"Have fun, Phoebs." Percy said.

"We love you." I said.

I gave all of them a kiss on their foreheads and let them walk into the camp, leaving Ada holding my hand.

"Guess it's just you now." I said as I wiped a tear from my cheek.

"Awe, Annabeth." Percy said and kissed my cheek. "Who wants ice cream?"

"Me!" She laughed "Chocolate!"

"Alright, fine." I said with a chuckle.

We walked back to the car. It was weird only having one kid, we haven't had this since Alex was one.

We went to the store and bought a jar of chocolate ice cream for Percy and Ada.

"Mom, can I have this doll?" She pointed to the doll with black hair and a black dress "She looks like me." She laughed.

"No, you don't need that." I said.

"But whyyyy?" She groaned.

"Because I said so." I said.

"Daddy, tell mommy to get me the doll!" She stomped her foot.

"Nope, you have to do what she says." Percy said.

"I hate you!" She screamed loud enough for the whole store to hear "I hate you, Mom and I hate you, Dad!"

I froze. People were staring at us and a Dad with two kids shook his head in disbelief as he stirred his kids away from us.

"Ada, you don't mean that." I managed to get out.

"Yes. I. Do!" She stomped her foot "I want this doll!"

"No, Ada!" Percy said "You're throwing a fit, and we might put all of this back."

The anger on Ada's face disappeared "No. . . Ice cream?" She asked.

"No." I said.

"Okay, sorry mommy." She said "Sorry, Daddy."

"I know, honey." I said.

"We'll buy the ice cream, but you have to be good the rest of the day." Percy said "Okay?"

"Okay." Ada said and grabbed my hand "Let's go home."

"Let's go." I laughed.


We got home and I started to make lunch.

"After lunch, you'll get your ice cream." I told her.

"Yay!" Ada laughed "Daddy, can we watch a movie?"

"Yeah, which movie?" He asked.

"The Willoughbys!" Ada laughed "I like the twins."

"Okay, we'll watch it." He said and they sat on the couch.


"Almost done!" I yelled.

"Okay!" Percy said.

I heard little sniffles and I realized Ada was crying. I wanted to go in there, but Percy looked like he got it covered.

"I miss Phoebe and Parker and Stacy and Alex." She said.

"I know, I do too." He said "I miss all of them."

"But, we can't celebrate Alex or Stacy's birthday." She said "I've never seen either of their birthday's."

"Oh, yeah, thats true." He frowned. "But you'll see Phoebe's in November."

"And mine in December!" She laughed. Percy had cheered her up.

"You're gonna be 5?!" He laughed.

"Yeah!" She laughed "I'll be in Kindergarten next year!"

"This year is VPK." He said.

"Oh, right, then the year after next year!" She laughed.

"Yep, now let's watch the movie."


After Ada had gone to bed, I sat down next to Percy on the couch.

"I'm gonna be 35 in August." He laughed.

"You're old." I joked.

"Ha-Ha." He said, unamused.

"What should we do?" I asked.

"Uhh, I dunno." He said "Just have the gang come over prolly."

I laughed "Okay, we can do that." I said "And you wanna barbecue?"

"Yes, ma'am." He said.

"Ok-" I began before I heard a snap.

The necklace Percy had given me when I was pregnant with Stacy 10 years ago had broken off of my neck.

"Aw, man." I said.

"It's okay," Percy said "I'm sure I could get repair boy to fix it."

"Yeah, okay." I said, looking at the chain that had been forged out of water.


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