Alexander's 1st Birthday

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Percy's POV:

"TRANSFORMERS! TRANSFORMERS TRANSFORMERS!" Alex yelled as Annabeth hung up all the decorations.

"Yeah, we bought Transformers!" I said, spreading the tablecloth across the white plastic table outside.

"Poolparty!" He yelled.

"Yeah, we're swimming too!" I laughed.

"Foods?" He scratched his head

"Yes. I'm going to grill food." I laughed

"Yummy!" He said.

"Alex!" Annabeth yelled from inside "Let's change your clothes!" It was 10 AM and he was still in his pajamas which he had gotten syrup on.

"Otays, Mommy," He said walking inside. I laughed as he went away.

I heard yelling from upstairs, and I went up there.

"Alex! Oh, God's. No, you can't play with that." I walked in and he was slamming the drawers.

"Alexander. What are you doing?" I asked.

"Mommy said find clothez!" He yelled.

"But you can't do that. You already picked these out, I said that 10 minutes ago and you picked this outfit out." Annabeth sighed.

"Otay," He put his Bumblebee transformer shirt on "Mommy help me put my swimming trunks on!" He said.

Annabeth looked back at me and I smiled and left.

"Okay, okay," She sighed.


At about 3 PM everyone started showing up

"Swimming swimming!" Alex yelled.

"Hold on! Wait for me, Alex!" I heard Iris yelled as she came in the front door.

"Sorry, she opened it up. I would've knocked," Leo said.

"Hey, guys!" Calypso said holding Ophelia.

"Hey, Cal." Annabeth said hugging her.

"I'm here." Nico walked in.

"Does anyone knock anymore?!" I yelled.

"ANNABETH!" Piper screamed as she walked in.

"Who isn't here?!" I threw my hands up and walked to the other room.

"Everyone's accounted for, Percy!" Grover said from the door.

"Grover!" I yelled "Long time, no see!" I laughed.

"Yeah, well, Mr. D has been driving me nuts with the Iris messages." He sighed.

Iris turned around as soon as she heard her name. "No, not you, Iris." Leo laughed.

Hazel, Frank and Frankie came last. "Hey!" She yelled.

"Hazel!" Piper said.

"Wait! Everyone! We have to take a group picture!" Leo screamed.

"Yeah! That sounds fun!" Piper squealed.

"I'll take it." Paris said

"Really? Okay!" Rachel said.

"Okay, Percy sit here, Annabeth here... Put your arm around her. Hazel sit at this end, Nico on the other end, with cards. Grover, sit in this chair and eat your beans. Frank and Jason, stand behind. Piper sit here. Calypso, Leo stand behind the couch. Rachel sit here.

(sorry about Rachel, she wasn't originally in the picture

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(sorry about Rachel, she wasn't originally in the picture.)

"AHH I LOVE IT!" Piper said.

"Why does my face look like that?" Frank asked.

"What do you mean? You look cute," Hazel laughed.

"Daddy, swim." Alex tugged at my shirt.

"Hold on, Alex. We're gonna eat these burgers then we'll eat cake then we'll open presents then we'll swim." I told him.

"Ooo, Okay!" He laughed. Everyone was playing in the living room whilst I grilled burgers.


"Come eat!" I yelled. Everyone sat at the benches we had outside, and we ate.

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy birthday to Alex, happy birthday to you!" Everyone sang and clapped as he shoved his hand into the cake.

"Why do Demigod children have to be so mature?" Annabeth asked.

"What do you mean," I said eyeing him and the cake.

"He can have a whole conversation, and a mortal child can't even say mommy at this age." She sighed.

"Well, I like talking with him, so I'm happy about that." I laughed

"Yeah.. He is nice to talk to." She laughed, eating her burger. "You made a blue burger, Percy, God's who are you trying to prove anymore?" She laughed "You did it for Gabe when you were 12, now who is it?"

"Everyone. And I kind of like being weird like that." I laughed. "But at least I'm not still eating my burger, Everyone else is on cake but you were in the bathroom too long." I said, becoming serious.

"I just felt a little nauseous, not sick though." She said.

"Okay.." I said, a little concerned, but if she wasn't scared then neither was I.

About 30 minutes later, it was time to swim. We put Alex's floating on so he could swim. Iris and Jax also had floating on, but Iris had training ones which I guess were more mature.

Hazel and Frank held Frankie whilst in the water, and Leo tried to teach 3 month old Ophelia to kick.

"She knows how to kick, Leo, ask Calypso's womb." I laughed.

"He's not wrong," Calypso laughed.

"Mhm, but now she needs to kick water." He said.

I decided to play a prank and made the pool water shake.

"Percy." Everyone said in unsion.

I erupted the middle like it was a fountain and it sprinkled Everyone in the water.

"Yay!" Alex laughed. I think he was going to be claimed by Poseidon, he loved the water. But we needed to wait until he 7 to know.


Annabeth's POV:

Everyone left and we laid Alex down for bed.

"A good first birthday, I'd say." Percy said plopping down on the couch.

"Yeah, he had fun. I'm gonna go in the bathroom I'll be right back." I said, walking to the bathroom.

I opened up a box and took 𝒊𝒕 out. I did what the instructions said to do and waited 3 minutes.

--3 minutes later--

"Oh, my gods." I gasped, looking at 𝒊𝒕. I felt a rush of happiness rush through my body. Tears filled my eyes, and then quickly that feeling left. "What will Percy think? Will he leave me with Alex? No, he wouldn't. But what if he wanted to wait... What if it wasn't the right time?" I kept asking myself.

"No." I eventually said "I can do this if he leaves, and he won't. I know he won't." I said. Then laughed, I had wanted this since Alex was born. I couldn't wait, and now it was finally happening. I couldn't wait to tell everyone.

𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒅𝒐 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒌 𝒊𝒕 𝒊𝒔?!?!?!??!?!?!

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