A Year Jump

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Annabeth's POV:

Alex was almost 5, Stacy was almost 4, Parker was 1 ½, I was due in 3 months, and Iris was having her first summer at Camp Half-Blood.

"Two years and you'll be able to go," Percy said.

"Yes!" Alex laughed.

"Okay, now everyone sit down." Percy laughed. It was 7 pm.

"Okay!" They all sat next to us on the couch.

"Names?" Percy asked "Boy or Girl."

"Uhh, for a boy, do Alfred." Parker laughed.

"Ew! No!" Stacy said.

"What's wrong with Alfred?" Alex Asked.

"I think, Hunter." Stacy said.

"Why?" Parker asked his new favorite word.

"Because.. I like it?" She asked like it was obvious.

"Okay, Alfred, Hunter." Percy said as he wrote it down.

"Hot dog!" Parker asked "He should be hor dog. "

"I think that it'll be a girl." Stacy ssid.

"For a boy, I think... Tyson." Percy said.

"R-really?" I asked.

"Yeah!" He laughed.

"Okay," I said.

"Who's Tyson?" Parker asked.

"We'll tell you when you're older." Percy laughed.

"Middle names though?" Percy asked.

"Uhh," Stacy said "Hunter."

"Hunter?" I asked.

"I mean, I kinda like it?" Percy asked me

"Yeah," I laughed. "We'll have two things honoring Zoë." I said.

"For a boy, we have Tyson Hunter Jackson." Percy laughed.

"That name is cool!" Alex laughed.

"And for a girl?" I asked.

"Penelopeeee!" Stacy said.

"I like Penelope." Parker said.

"I don't think we should do Penelope." Percy said.

"Why?" Parker whined.

"My assistants name is Penelope." He said.

"Oh, okay." Parker said like he understood, though it was obvious that he didn't.

"Then what about Phoebe?" Alex asked.

"Phoebe.." I said. "I like it!"

"Yeah, me too." Percy said.

"Phoebe Silena Jackson?" I asked them.

"Yeah!" The kids yelled.

"I like it." Percy smiled.

"Alright, it's settled." I laughed.


"Dad, when can I go to camp?" Alex groaned.

"I told you already!" Perch shouted.

He didn't often yell at the kids, but when he did, it scared everyone.

The kids were quiet, even though it was only Alex he was yelling at.

"Sorry," Alex mumbled.

"What was that?" Percy smirked.

Percy Jackson: Tries For A Normal LifeWhere stories live. Discover now