Iris's 2nd birthday

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Annabeth's POV:

I was changing Alex whilst Percy was getting the diaper bag ready. I put a white shirt that had a shark on it on him, and he had cargo shorts on too. It was March 12th. We only had 2 months until Alex turned 1. Time had gone by so fast.

"Percy, you ready?!" I yelled at him

"Yeah!" He yelled back.

"Alright let's go!" I grabbed Alex's hand and we headed for the blue Prius.

We were in a hurry because we hadn't had the time to buy Iris a present, so we had to do it now. She had asked for a bike helmet, basketball, and blanket last time I saw her, which was a week ago.

"Get the first one out of the 3 you see." I said. The first one we found was a basketball. One of them was yellow, so we got that one sense it was her favorite color. We got a bag, wrapping paper and bought it. In the car we put it all together.

I sighed "Whew. Like we got it a week ago." I laughed "And still have 3 minutes to get there."

"This is why we're polar opposites," Percy laughed.


"Hey Birthday girl!" Percy said to Iris as we walked in.

"Iris!" Alex said, and gave the taller girl a hug. Iris was really tall for her age, which was weird because Leo nor Calypso were that tall.

"Phi Phi!" He said as he realized the crawling girl. She was about 4 months old now.

"Hey, Cal! Leo!" I said, hugging Cal.

"Hey, guys!" Calypso said.

Leo grabbed the gift and put it on the table and gave Percy a man hug.

Then Hazel and Frank came in, Hazel was ready to pop at any moment.

"Hey, Hazel!" Iris said.

"Hey, Hazeeeeeel!" Alex said

"Hey, Hazel!" I said, giving her a hug

"Hey, Hazel, Hey, Frank!" Leo said. He grabbed their gift and put it next to ours.

"Hey guys!" Calypso said.

Percy gave Frank a man hug.

"When are you due?" I asked for the millionth time.

"Next week," She said

"Oh my gods! Then we'll all have children!" Calypso said

"Not us just quite yet." A voice from behind the door said. It was Rachel and Paris.

"When did you get here?!" Leo said, obviously freaked out. He grabbed grabbed gift too.

"Just now," Paris said

"Ayy," Piper said as she walked in

"Hey, Guys!" Jason said, carrying 6 month old Jax.

"Who isn't here?!" Leo yelled, grabbing their gifts.

"I'm not sure." Nico said behind the door "The Dead isn't here. Although I could always invite them." He said.

"N-no, we're good," Leo said, trembling that Nico was here.

"Now the party's started!" Iris said "Yay yay yay yay!" She yelled

"Yay yay yay yay yay!" Alex copied

"Yay!" Jax said, also copying. You could tell that Jax was a little upset that he couldn't run around like Iris and Alex. It was like they were all siblings. But Ophelia and Jax seemed to get along great! They were sharing toys and such.

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