Everyone's surprise

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Annabeth's POV:

About a month ago, all of us had planned a trip to North Carolina for Christmas. We wanted to get away from New York and we thought of North Carolina.

It was 4:00 AM.

"Alex.. Honey, wake up buddy," I said yawning.

He gasped "AIRPLANE!" It would be his first time on one.

"That's right. Now get dressed, we have 20 minutes." I said.


17 minutes later we were all ready, we drove to the airport that was 20 minutes away and met with Rachel and Paris.

"Glad you don't have kids to keep you, huh?" I asked Rachel.

"Actually.." She smiled.

"NO! OH, MY GODS! RACHEL!" I squealed.

"Yep.. A Parachel baby!" She said.

I heard Piper squeal so I knew that she heard Rachel.

"Rach!" She hugged her.

One after another, soon everyone was here.


Iris, Ophelia, Jax and Alex were playing together whilst we all talked and Frankie just kicked her legs in Hazel's arms.

"Flight 201," The speaker said.

"That's us!" Jason said.

"1 Percy, 2 Alex, 3 Jason, 4 Rachel , 5 Paris, 6 Hazel, 7 Frank, 8 Frankie, 9 Calypso, 10 Leo, 11 Iris, 12 Ophelia, 13 Piper, 14 Jax, I think that's it," Calypso said counting.

"Yep. Let's go, Everyone!" Piper said.


We all boarded the flight, Me, Percy, and Alex sat together. Leo had come out with Demi-Pads, and Alex got one. He was watching the 'Cars' movie on Disney+.

"Ready?" Annabeth asked me.

"I'm never ready to fly in the air, it's pretty hard when the God who controls the air hates your guts." He said sarcastically.

"Seaweed Brain, he doesn't hate you." I said.

"Oh, really? He still thinks deep down that I stole the Lighting bolt from when we were 12, when I turned down the 'gift of immortality' from him he was pretty pi-" He stopped himself "Mad. He was pretty mad."

"Okay, maybe he does hate you. But I'm pretty sure that your best bud up there is telling God of Air up there to chill the Styx out." I laughed.

"Let's hope." He said.


About an hour and 40 minutes through the trip, the Flight Attendant passed out peanuts and pretzels. Gods, I was starving, I felt like I could eat a horse. But then when somebody bought a meal, the smell made me gag.


The Flight was over, Alex could hardly walk so Percy had to pick him up.

We all rented cars and drove to the hotel. In the car we all played the license plate game.

"New York! Where we lived!" Alex said.

"Washington," I said.

"New Zealand," Percy found.


"Okla- uhh Oklahoma!"



"South Carolina."

A couple more went by and I won.

"Yes!" I said.

"Awe, no fair. Mommy always wins," Alex groaned.

"And that's how it will always be," Percy said.

"Better believe it." I laughed.

"Awe man, Okay." He sighed.

Me and Percy chuckled at each other.

"We're here!" Percy yelled.

"Yay! I want big bed!" Alex said.


We checked into the hotel and went into the hotel room.

"Oou, Pretty!" Alex said.

"I know, right?" I said. I still felt nauseous, I knew it wasn't from the Flight because I never got 'air-sick'.

Percy must've noticed because he came up to me "Are you okay? You look pale." He asked.

"Yeah.. but, I feel a little nauseous. I think it might be..." I said.

He gasped "Really?" His face turned into a smile. "Alex, come on, we have to get something for mommy at the store." He said happily.

"Okay!" Alex said, running over to him.


They came back with 3 tests and I took them all. All of them said positive, at least one of them had to be right...

"PERCY! I'M PREGNANT!" I screamed.

"OH MY, GODS!" He screamed back.

"I'm gonna be a broder?" Alex asked.

"YES!" Percy said. I came out of the bathroom and he picked me up and spun me around.

I laughed and looked down at my stomach.


We all went to dinner at Applebee's that night. When we sat down and ordered, I finally said.

"I'm having a baby!" I squealed.

"No. way." Rachel said

"Oh, my gods me too!" Piper said.

We all squealed "We're having babies together!"

"And they'll be around Frankie's age!" Piper looked at Hazel.

"Ahhh! Now I'm so happy!" Rachel said.


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