Percabeth Baby #2

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Annabeth's POV:

It was the day after Ariana was born. July 6th. It was bring your kid(s) to work day for Percy, mine was in two weeks. It was nice being home alone, I got to clean up a lot of stuff and just sit. It was nice until about 1:00 pm.

"όχι όχι όχι όχι," I repeated as my water broke.

I ran to the car and called the hospital.

"I'm by myself and my water just broke, I'll be there in 10 minutes!" I yelled into the phone.

"Okay, we'll have a room ready for you." She said and then hung up.


I pulled into the hospital parking lot and checked myself in as they brought me into the room.

"Ma'am? Can you call your husband?" Dr. Davidson asked.

I wanted to say Hi and how are you to her and stuff, but now was not the time.

I pulled my phone out and called Percy.

"Yeah, Annabeth?" He asked. "No, Alex, we can't pull that lever. We will fall into the water." I heard him say to Alex.

"I'm at the hospital. My water broke. Can you call your parents, and everyone else please. And get here FAAASST AHH!" I yelled before hanging up.

About 10 minutes later, the doctors had been saying that I needed to push, but I wasn't going to until I had Percy.

"Annabeth, you have to push." They kept saying.

"No! Not until I have PeRCYYYY AHH!" I would say.

"Wait, Percy's here. It's okay, he's coming." The Nurse said as she was on the phone with the front desk.

I heard running from down the hall.

"Percy." I whispered.

He walked in and sat in the chair next to me.

"Okay, Annabeth, push." The doctor said

"Annabeth, you can do this." Percy whispered.

"AGHHH" I pushed.

"Good job, 1 more push and it should be good."

"Annabeth, just one more. You can do it." Percy said.

"Okay..okay.." I breathed.

"AGHHH" I pushed again. There was silence, and then there was a loud crying.

"Annabeth, you did it! You have a sweet baby girl!" The doctor said.

"Annabeth! You did it!" Percy kissed my hand. I gave him a faint smile.

"I'm going to go clean her and run some tests and then you guys can see her." Dr. Davidson said.

"Percy.. I did it." I said out of breath.

"I know! Annabeth! I'm so proud of you!" He said excitedly.

"Yeah," I still couldn't wrap my mind around the fact that we had a girl.


The doctor came back after running tests and handed us our baby.

"Here you go. Would you like for the visitors to come see you?" Dr. Davidson asked.

"Yeah, can you have Sally, Phil, and Alex Jackson come first?" I asked her.

"Alex! Yes! I haven't seen him since his last ultrasound." She laughed.

"He had a bit of a glow-up," I laughed.


I heard little footsteps running and Percy's mom saying "Alex! Shh!"

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