Ajax's 1st birthday + Sleepover

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Percy's POV:

I had to bring Alex to the party since Annabeth would be going from work, straight to the party. I was helping Alex pack his sleepover bag.

"Get a shirt." I said

"Can I wear this one?" He asked me, holding up his finding Nemo shirt.

"Yeah!" I was so happy that he liked that movie, it was all about the ocean so I loved it too.

"These jeans." He said, picking it out.

"Okay, and I'll get your underwear." I said.

"Ewww," Alex laughed.

"Oh, hush it." I laughed.

"I think I'm all packed." He said.

"Okay!" I said "Let's grab the present and go!" I said, holding his hand as he went down the stairs.


We knocked on the Grace's door, and Jax opened it.

"Alex!" He screamed as he saw him.

"Jax!" Alex screamed back.

"Ooo, I love your Shark backpack!" Alex said.

"Thanks! Here's your present." Alex said.

"Oo, it's big." Jax looked at the back "Daaaadyyyy!" He yelled.

"Naí, Jax," Jason sighed walking over to the door.

"Jackson!" His eyes widened "Jax, move out the way so they can come inside." He rolled his eyes.

"Come on, Alex! Put the gift on the table." Jax said, the two ran inside.

"Hey, Grace!" We did our man hug and walked inside.

"Oh, hey, Percy!" Piper said from the kitchen.

"Hey, Pipes!" I said back.


Calypso, Leo, Iris, and Ophelia came in. Ophelia was finally walking, so Leo didn't have to hold her anymore.

"Leo!" I said from the couch.

"What's up, everyone?!" Leo said. Iris and Ophelia immediately ran over to where the boy's were.

"Hey, Cal!" Piper said, coming out to the front room.

"Hey, Pipes!" She hugged her.

"God's, They're all getting old." Piper said as she walked them all run around.

"I know! Leo and I have been talking about a third one when Ophelia turns one." Calypso said.

"Oh my gods, same with me and Jason. We both really want a girl this time." Piper said.

"I really want a boy this time," Calypso laughed.


Frankie, Hazel, and Frank showed up. Frankie couldn't do anything yet, I mean she was only 2 months old. Rachel and Paris wouldn't be here since they were on honeymoon still.

"Alright, Everyone! Pizzas here!" Piper yelled from the front door.

All the kids ran and sat at the table.

"Cheese or Pepperoni, kids?" Jason asked.

"Cheese!" Jax said.

"These," Ophelia said, trying to say Cheese.

"Pepperoni, Please!" Iris said.

"Cheese!" Alex said.

"Alright! And we have Fruit Punch or Apple Juice?"

Percy Jackson: Tries For A Normal LifeWhere stories live. Discover now