Alexander's 2nd birthday.

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Annabeth's POV:

"AHH! I LOVE IT!" Piper squealed with excitement. Everyone was over at our house for Alex's second birthday.

"Anastasia or Silas.. God's, that's extremely beautiful." Calypso said.

"No kidding," Hazel laughed.

Rachel and Paris were in New York, visiting his foster parents.

"We've decided on our names too," Piper said.

"Piper picked these sense I came up with Ismena or Ajax last time." Jason said.

"Ariana Piper Grace for a girl, and Christos Liam Grace for a boy." She said excitedly.

"Leo and I already have ours too. Even though I'm only 3 months in, it gets easier after already having kids." Calypso said.

"I chose these one," Leo said excitedly "Angelina Lia Valdez for a girl, and please be a boy, Ethan Leo Valdez." He said.

"Hey, guys!" Adrian said.

𝘼/𝙉: 𝙞 𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙜𝙤𝙩 𝙝𝙞𝙢 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙩 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧. 𝙎𝙤𝙧𝙧𝙮

"Adrian!" Alex said.

"Sorry, I was at work!" He laughed.

"What do you do?" Frank asked.

"I work at a Cafe. But soon I'll be getting a degree in teaching so I can be a kindergarten teacher." He said.

"Wow, well good on you!" Piper said.

"How far along are you, again?" Adrian asked me.

"8 months, due July 10th." I said with an eyeroll.

"Oh, ri-" He started but Piper ignored that.

"NO WAY! IM DUE JULY 8TH!" Piper screamed.

"OH MY GODS WE'RE SO CLOSE!" I screamed back.

"And you?" Adrian asked Calypso.

"December 28th." Calypso said.

Alex, Iris, Ophelia, Frankie, and Jax were all playing together in the living room.

"Frank, how does it feel to know that your kid is almost one?" Percy asked him.

"Heartbreaking." He saisaid.

"Mommy, we has cake?" Ophelia asked her.

"In a minute, Lia." Calypso told her.

"Lia?" Piper asked.

"Oh, yeah, She asked if we could call her that." Leo said.

"Awe, okay Lia." Hazel said.

"Everyone to the table!" I yelled.

All the kids sat in their chairs, and Percy got out the old highchair for Frankie.

We all sang Happy Birthday to Alex and he blew out his candles on his SpongeBob cake. After eating, we all went into the pool.


"Ophelia! Come down the slide!" Calypso yelled from inside the pool.

"No!" She yelled from the top of the slide.

Iris went up the ladder and sat Ophelia on her lap and they went down together.

"See, Lia? You can do things! Just be brave!" Iris told her.

"Oh, gods, thank you Iris." Calypso said.

"Yeah, Mommy." She said and swam over to Alex.

"She's growing up so fast." Leo said.

"I know.." Calypso said, leaning her head on his shoulder.


At about 4 pm everyone left. Alex said he didn't want any presents, so we didnt get him any.

"Good Birthday?" I asked him.

"Yeah! It was awesome!" Alex said.


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