Unexpected Visitor

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Percy's POV:

It was June 2nd, "The group of 7's annual picnic," as we call it. Ever since the 7 were 14, we would go to the same hill and eat. It was a way to get away from war and battle, although when we got too old for CHB, we stopped doing it. But Piper asked if we could do it again, but on a different hill of course. So we arranged to have a picnic, just the 7, no kids, nothing. We asked my mom and Phil if they would mind watching the kid, and they agreed. It was Alex's first week of swimming lessons, yesterday was his first ones, and they offered to take him.

"Alright, Alex. Ready to go see Grandma Sally?" I laughed.

"Yeah Yeah! And Grandpa Phil! I can't wait to swim again!" He laughed, watching me clean up the living room.

Annaneth groaned as she walked into the room. "Percy? The baby is hurting me so intensely that I could lie down and depart this life." She groaned as she sat down.

"Well, not yet Missy. You're not leaving me anytime soon," I put a transformer toy into the bucket. "Alex, why aren't you helping me clean up?" I asked.

"Bedauseee... Uhh.. I.. Don't... I-" He tried to find a lie to say. It was always cute when he says 'because' because he says it with a D instead.

"Alright, whatever. But next time you're cleaning it." I said.

"Okayyy," He laughed.

"Annabeth, you okay?" I asked her.

"Yeah, just have a baby inside. It hurts worse than Alex." She moaned.

"Okay, well maybe you're just hungry. We can leave now," I said putting the last toy away.


"Hey, Mom!" I said, giving her a hug as I walked in "What's up, Phil?!" I yelled.

"Hi, Honey. Alex! My little peanut!" She said, tickling his belly.

"Stop! You're tickling me," Alex laughed.

"Hey, Alex!" Phil yelled from the kitchen.

"Percy, where's Annabeth?" My mom asked.

"She's in the car. She doesn't feel good with the whole baby thing." I said.

"Oh.. Well tell her that I wish her luck with that," She laughed.

"I'm gonna be a brudder!" Alex laughed.

"I know!" Phil laughed "And you're almost 2!" He said.

Alex gasped "Oh, my dosh. I didnt know fat."

"Yeah! 18 days!" Sally laughed.

"Oh, my dods." Alex gasped again.

"Yeah, buddy. Anyways, Alex, have fun!" I said, kissing his head and waving.

"Bye, Daddy!" He yelled and my mom and step-dad waved before closing the door.

I sighed as I sat down in the car "Ready?" I asked Annabeth.

"Yeah. I feel a little better." She said.

"Well that's good! I didn't realize that being 4 months pregnant could hurt so bad." I laughed.

"Oh, Perseus Jackson. You have no idea," She sighed and managed a smile.

"Probably not. Buuuuutt, I love you. And I dont like you suffering." I laughed.

"Well, you'll just have to deal with it, I guess." She smiled.

"Will do." I smiled.


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