Iris's 3rd Birthday

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Percy's POV:

For Iris's birthday, Cal and Leo decided they would fly to Florida and take her and Lia to Florida and go to Disney.

Cal was due in 2 months, and she had a HUGE bump, but she insisted that she went too.

They invited all of us, and we were all going too. Alex was so excited, but Nat and Ari were only 4 months so they didnt understand.

Adrian had moved out into an apartment with his Demigod girlfriend. He was still in college.


Annabeth and I had a routine, one night she would take Nat to bed and I would take Alex to bed, and then vice versa.

It was the same for waking them up, so today I got Nat and Annabeth got Alex.

"Nat... Anastasia... Wake up, honey.." I tapped her face. She was a light sleeper like her mom so she woke up immediately.

"Dada?" She asked.

"Oh. My. Gods. She said Dada." I laughed "Your first word was Dada! Oh, Gods!" I picked her up and squeezed her tightly.

"Dada! Dada!" She laughed.

"Yeah! Now, let's get your clothes on." I put her on a towel and changed her diaper, then went to her closet and got a shirt. We got them matching Finding Nemo shirts, but they weren't wearing those until tomorrow. So I put a white tank top and purple shorts on her.

Alex walked into Nat's room where we were.

"Hi, daddy." He said groggily.

"Hi, Alex. Why aren't you getting your clothes on?" I asked him.

"Oh, yeah. I forgot. Mommy told me to put them on and she left to go do something." He walked back into his room.

"Okay," I laughed.

I put Nat's hair into a small ponytail, she didn't have much hair so it was like someone just randomly slipped a rubber band in there.

"All done!" I laughed.

I let Nat and Alex play in the living room while I loaded the bags into the car. Annabeth was brushing her teeth before putting it into her suitcase.

"Are we all ready?" I asked the family.

"Yeah, I think so." Annabeth said, pondering everything she had packed in her mind.

"Yes, daddy." Alex said.

"Dada." Nat laughed. Annabeth's eyes widened.

"She started saying it earlier." I said.

"Ohh.. Can you say mama?" Annabeth asked.

"Dada." She laughed again.

"Okay, one day she will." She said "We'd better go, though" She said checking the time.

She grabbed Anastasia and I grabbed Alexander.

We loaded them in the car and headed towards the airport. It was only 7:30 am, and the plane left at 9:24. We wanted to get there earlier so that we could go through security and all that and still have time.

When we arrived at the airport, we saw Piper, Jason, Ajax, and Ariana.

"Hey, guys!" Annabeth said, holding Nat.

"Hi!" Piper said, holding Ari. The walked up and waved their hands at each other. Everyone was wearing a jacket since it was October, and New York was cold. But in Florida we wouldn't need them.

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