Family Anxiety

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Annabeth's POV:

I haven't showered in days. Nor brushed my hair. I just throw my hair in a ponytail and we're done. Percy says that I need to take a break, but no. I have 4 kids, one of them is a newborn. I can't take a break.

"Phoebe!" I screamed, sliding down the wall "Why won't you stop crying?!"

She continued screaming. Alex, Stacy, and Parker were sitting at the table, arguing.



"NO I NEED TO MAKE VIDEOS FOR ARI AND I!" Stacy screamed and stomped her foot.

"WHO CARES ABOUT YOUR STUPID VIDEOS?!" Alex screamed and threw a block at the wall.


Alex's eyes widened "W-why?" He asked.

"BECAUSE ARI'S DEAF IN ONE EAR- DUH" Stacy said, tears filling her eyes.

Alex tried to make a comeback "WELL WHY DO YOU NEED TO MAKE VIDEOS?!"

"BECAUSE ITS FUN!" Stacy screamed.

"ENOUGH!" I stood up. Alex and Stacy turned towards me with their eyes widened. Phoebe stopped crying "YOU GUYS NEED TO STOP ARGUING, AND PHOEBE! WHAT IS WRONG?!"

Alex, Parker, and Stacy went quiet. Parker hadn't done anything wrong, per usual.

"Sorry, mom." Stacy said.

"Yeah.." Alex said half-heartedly.

"Phoebe, are you hungry?" I asked her, staring into her beautiful green eyes. It was hard to yell at her and Parker, because they had Percy's eyes, and it was like yelling at Percy. They both had pleading eyes when someone was yelling at them.

I started feeding her, and the kids were finally playing fine.


Phoebe fell asleep, and the kids were playing quietly.

"You three okay if I take a quick shower?" I asked them.

"Mhm!" Stacy said, she was scared of me right now.

I hopped in the shower to clean my mind. My showers took a while, not because I cared about how my hair looked, but because curly hair needs a lot of attention.

"Gods, I'm a horrible mom." I said to myself. I could feel tears running down my face.

"No you're not, Annabeth." I said to myself. "You're just stressed. All moms do it." I sighed. "Maybe I should just make it up to then later."


I finished my shower, and put on some gray sweatpants and yellow shirt.

"Hey, guys." I said.

"Hi, Mommy!" It was so cute that Parker was two and still calling me that.

"Hey, Mom!" Alex said like nothing happened.

"Hi.." Stacy said. She was still scared of me.

As if it were right on cue, Phoebe woke up and started wailing.

I walked back into my room, and found out that she had.. you know.. diaper.. that whole thing.

"Oh, gods, Phoebe!" I said in disgust.

I changed her clothes and diaper, and walked back outside with her in my arms.

"You guys want a movie?" I asked them.

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