Ch. 86: Treasure Hunt

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Howdy people!! How's it going? So before we could move on, I would like to apologize to you for the very lacking progress of context lately as it has been very slow. But I'm back now, giving what you deserve. And even better. Now right after or before you can read this latest chapter, a message in my Wattpad page will be posted around 4-6 PM (EST) explaining the slow process. If you're reading during that time, that message should be up by now. But for now, I am back doing what I love doing. Enjoy this latest chapter of this epic adventure!!

After rescuing Dr. Eggman, Dr. Wily, Money Bags, and Squid Baron from King Dedede's castle (that is now in complete ruins), Sonic, Shantae, Falvia, and the rest of the team makes their journey to hunt down Doku-Ous who have escaped with the Infinite Ruby she stolen from them. Falvia continues to sense the connection with the Ruby which have lend our heroes to the Sacred Square, the former base of Kirby's rival, Meta Knight. Kirby leads the Wrap Star to nearby grounds, safely floats down to allow Sonic, Shantae, Mega Man, and Rush down the Wrap Star, then Kirby. Spyro, Kazooie carrying Banjo, Falvia, and Screenshot with the small companion later join the party as they land on the ground. 

"We're here." Falvia said.

"So, this is the place that psycho maid is hiding?" Asked Sonic. 

"Yes." Falvia answered "I can feel the connection with the Ruby nearby. It's definitely around this part."

"Well Kirby," Spyro talks "You know this world better than we do. Any precautions we should take?" 

Kirby takes the first here on Sacred Square and steps on the gap platform, seeing a button below him. He goes through the platform and steps the buttons, causing the platforms in front on the right side to rise up and reach new grounds. Kirby jumps back up and see the path has swift on them.

"Well," Sonic said "That did something. Come on, let's get moving!" 

Sonic, Shantae, and Kirby takes the steps, then the rest follows, all but Spyro and Falvia, holding Screenshot. 

"Well Falvia?" Asked Screenshot "Aren't gonna get moving traitor? You have no problem with that."

"Hey can it Tin Can!" Spyro shouted "She's doing what's right just like the rest of us here. Something you wouldn't get."

Spyro, Falvia, and Screenshot get a move on, catching up with the others. They were confronted by two dark followers, only for Banjo and Kazooie to take care of them for the team. That's when the duo spot a button above their feet through a gap, the same-looking button Kirby pressed on earlier. Banjo goes through the gap and pushed on the button, causing the steps behind them to shift again, a new up way to reach new grounds. And after that, they have attracted possessed scary faces enemies coming towards them. 

"Don't sweat it guys." Mega Man said "I got this." 

Mega Man brings his Mega Buster and starts shooting down the scary face enemies, clearing the path for the team as they all go up, reaching new grounds and so on. 5 minutes have passed and they found themselves in a new area in the Sacred Square, also finding themselves in a dead-end. 

"Hey Falvia?" Asked Sonic "Is this the right way?"  

"Yes." Falvia confirms "I can feel the connection with the Ruby getting stronger and stronger."

"Then this way it is." Shantae said "Looks like we may have to force our way through."

Kirby grabs the team's attention, coming up yet again another solution to this problem. 

"Huh?" Shantae asked "What is it Kirby?" 

Kirby brings out the Wrap Star once more, showing it to others. Sonic and Shantae asked him what will the Wrap Star do to help in this situation. Kirby tosses the Wrap Star into the air, leaving it there. Then Kirby comes towards the team leaders and grabs them by the hands, dragging them to the Wrap Star. He also dragged Falvia into this made her dropped Screenshot, only for Spyro to catch him by having him land on his back. Once Kirby have brought both leaders and Falvia near the Wrap Star, Kirby jumps above the Wrap Star to grab it. showing it to them. 

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