Ch. 6: A Twisted Puzzle (Banjo/Kazooie's story)

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One Infinite Rudy claimed, the following heroes; Sonic, Spyro, Kirby, Shantae, and now Mega Man stoned and captured, and now 5 out of 6 worlds have taken over by the dark lord himself, the situation is becoming more serious as Dark Sin continues to spread his darkness across the universe, and keeping a sharp eye for the remaining Infinite Rubies. Even after that, there is still one last world that Dark Sin have to visit and take over. If Dark Sin succeeds, his universe takeover can finally begin.

In the a magical land called Spiral Mountain, a small, grassy valley with a waterfall in the center of the land. Within this land is a small house around the corner of the mountain. Inside the house lives the land's heroic and hairy duo, otherwise known as, Banjo and Kazooie. Inside this house, we see Banjo and Kazooie, along with Tooty (Banjo's beautiful young sister) are sleeping, taking a nice long sleep. Shortly after, Banjo woke up, having to stretch his body to get ready for the day. He see that his sister Tooty, and his pal, Kazooie (sleeping in Banjo's backpack) are still sleeping. Banjo have woke Kazooie up by tapping her in the head.

"Kazooie old pal." Said Banjo "Time to wake up."

Kazooie have woken up from her sleep and see Banjo right in front of her, waiting for her to wake up. Kazooie is happy to see Banjo is up for the day. Banjo unhooks Kazooie from her usually sleeping spot, a hook that is. As Banjo and Kazooie are getting ready for the day, they see Tooty sleeping in her own bed, looking peaceful as she sleep. As a wonderful brother Banjo is, Banjo wakes his sister up to get her ready for the day.

"Tooty," Banjo said "wake up. It's time to start the day."

Tooty the bear began to wake up, surprised to see that her brother Banjo is up for today, with his pal, Kazooie on his back.

"I am shock to see you're up." Said Tooty.

"You and I both Tooty." Kazooie added.

Banjo, Kazooie, and Tooty gets ready to start their day by exiting their house and go outside. As they got outside, they meet up with a mole named Bottles, who dug up in the surface, seeing Banjo, Kazooie, and Tooty outside of their house.

"Morning there Banjo, Tooty."

Banjo and Tooty kindly greeted Bottles good morning. Unfortunately for Kazooie, her attitude towards Bottles remain the same for this feather lady.

"Well if isn't dirt hog here?" Kazooie insulted Bottles.

"If it isn't feather brains," Bottles talked back "fancy seeing you here."

As Kazooie and Bottles goes on with their insult, Banjo and Tooty instantly breaks it up, and they asked how is he doing. Bottles gladly answered Banjo and Tooty's question about his day. He started off that he was at the garden, gathering some fruits and vegetables for his breakfast, but then these annoying pest of carrots and floating onions came around and ruin all the food in the garden, claiming as their own territory and only leaving Bottles with just a carrot. After hearing the garden is under ruins again, Banjo and Kazooie decided to help out Bottles, by clearing any bad veggies out of the garden.

"Don't you worry Bottles!" Said Banjo "Me and Kazooie will handle those bad veggies and teach them a good lesson about making the garden as one's own."

Right before Banjo and Kazooie could leave to the garden, Banjo's little sister, Tooty pull on Banjo's fur, asking him if she can tag along too, wanting to see the action. Banjo felt a bit uneasy at first, knowing that these bad veggies are no joke, fears for his young sister's safety. Naturally, Kazooie comes into the action, inspire Banjo to let his sister tag along with them to see how they will preform against the bad veggies.

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