Ch. 14: Corrupted Minds

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After their battle with the mechanical dragon, Mega Man, Spyro, and Banjo and Kazooie are so glad that Sonic, Shantae, and Kirby has made it out okay and that they survived the explosion of the dragon. 

"Oh thank God you guys are okay." Mega Man is glad. 

"For a second there," Kazooie added "we actually thought we lost you." 

"It's cool guys, really." Shantae said.

Sonic and Shantae brush the dirt off of their quills/hair. The team have a look around the area, and what they seen is a path of destruction the mechanical dragon has left behind to most of the area, delivering a heavy impact to Spiral Mountain while battling the heroes.

"I think we may have gone a bit overboard on this one." Mega Man Said. 

"Well it was that stupid dragon's fault anyway for wrecking up our home."

"I'm sorry," Spyro said "stupid dragon?"

"Sorry," Kazooie apologized "stupid, robot dragon."

Now referring to a different type of dragon that is not really a dragon correctly, Spyro right away let it go afterward.

"Hmm, can't argue with that." Spyro said.

"Come on fellows!" Sonic added "We got to find this Infinite Rudy before it's too late." 

Sonic, Shantae, and the rest get a move on to search for the Infinite Rudy they seek for of bringing back their home worlds to normal. While searching for the Infinite Rudy in Spiral Mountain, they found some holes that were not from their battle with the dragons, and there are a bunch of them in the area. 

"I don't remember seeing these holes during our fight with the dragon." Said Shantae.

"That is because," Banjo said "these holes are not from the dragon, and I know just a digger that leaves behind these holes."

"Wait a minute," Sonic added "you''re not referring to that m-"

Right before that Sonic could even finish, a mole named Bottles has risen up from the surface, surprised to see the heroes are still in one piece and see that the dragon had failed to get rid of them.

"Mole." Sonic has finished.


"Tough luck dirt mouse!" Spyro said "That dragon we fought ain't nothing to us. Better spill the beans and explains what is going on."

"OVER MY DEAD BODY!" Shouted Bottles.

Bottles dug back down to the ground, making his escape from the heroes. Mega Man had activated his Speed Gear, slowing down time to prevent Bottles from escaping. He jumps down on the hole Bottles had made to make his escape, and Mega Man makes Bottles to come right back into the surface by punching him through the ground, sending him flying slowly into the air while the Speed Gear is still active. It wasn't long enough til the Speed Gear wear down, returning time to normal speed. Bottles now flies up at the speed he needed to be in the air, then come crashing down on the ground, landing on his face. Sonic, Shantae, and the others didn't know what just happened til they noticed Mega Man climbing back up into the surface from the hole Bottles made to make his escape.

"That wasn't so hard." Mega Man bragged.

Right before Bottles could rise up to escape from the team, Mega Man picks Bottles up, holding him very tightly. 

"We got you now Gold Digger," Mega Man "if you really are one."

Sonic, Shantae, and the others walk up to Mega Man with Bottles on his hand. Sonic smiled that Mega Man has captured Bottles right off the bat at ease. 

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