Ch. 73: Wondrous Caves

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Sonic, Shantae, and the rest of the group now entered the cave where Mighty, Elora, Bolo, and Block Man, being Donut Dome as they come here to follow them and free them from their dark stages before heading their way to King Dedede's castle. Everyone in the team but Kirby are surprisingly shocked by the looks of the cave, seeing how bizarre this cave is.

"Geez, what kind of cave is this?" Banjo asked. 

"Or is this even a cave?" Asked Spyro. 

"Yeah, no offense Kirby," Sonic added "but you got one of the weirdest places ever. No matter. We got to focus on finding our pals here before we could continue our way to the castle."

"Right." Shantae agrees "Let's follow our friends and bring them back to normal." 

The Team Of Heart And Hope begins their side quest to chase down Bolo, Block Man, Elora, and Mighty first inside the Donut Dome, following them to break them free of Dark Sin's control. They move forward and encountered a water creature, hissing at them. Mega Man fires and kills the creature with his Mega Buster, clearing the way. The Team climbs down the step one of the time to push forward, taking down enemies along the way and taking them out like ragdolls. 

Banjo gets ahead of his team and he and Kazooie go on using their Wonder Wing attack to destroy the rock that is in their way, slamming right through it. 

"Great job you two." Sonic thanked the hairy duo as he and the rest pass by them once they smashed through the rocks.

The team make their way down through a little tight space for all of them. Sonic did have to go for a Spin Attack for a moment as a couple of sandy, pillar monsters are coming at them, knocking them over at ease and passing by them. Sonic bump into a wall and accidentally hit the switch that he pushes, causing the platform he and the team are standing on to slide way down for a moment before it slammed into the edge and stopped sliding, nearly costing the team their balance. 

"What was that?" Shantae asked. 

"I don't know." Sonic answered "I just hit the switch of some sort, and we all began sliding down

"With a switch?" Asked Mega Man "But this cave isn't advanced in technology nor it is built in advanced ways! How does that even work?"

"Care to talk to Kirby then?" Kazooie suggested "Though I doubt he'll give you the answer you want, or even know the answer at all."

After that sliding experience, the team found more monsters coming this way. Kirby ditched the Water Ability he is carrying and sucks in the sword-man creature into his mouth, swallowing him whole, and gained the Copy Ability of Sword, getting his very own sword and a green hat.  Now with a different ability, Kirby slashes through and takes on the monster in his taste, easily defeating them. After dealing with them, Kirby found a switch near him, the same-looking switch that Sonic accidentally pushed. Sonic, Shantae, and the rest see that Kirby has found a switch just like it, feels a bit uneasy of what's going to happen next. 

"Wait Kirby!" Shantae "Just before you-"

Kirby had already pushed the switch, causing the platform they are all standing to slide down for a bit and slammed right into the edge, almost causing the team's balance once again. Mega Man feels unsettled about this cave seeing that switches that Kirby just pushed are capable of moving platform across or around the area like this cave despite having no advanced technology to even make this possible. 

"I still don't get how pressing a button like that without any advanced technology would make this sort of thing happened." Mega Man said. 

"Magic I guess?" Spyro guessed "That's one thing I can think of really. And it's the most logical reason too."

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