Ch. 7: A Misunderstanding

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As if Dark Sin wasn't crazy enough, Dark Sin have officially taken over 6 worlds, and claimed one of the Infinite Rubies. He visited and corrupted the 6 worlds, gaining control of each of them, stoned the heroes into a rocky slumber; Sonic, Spyro, Kirby, Shantae, Mega Man, and now Banjo and Kazooie, and have spread his darkness all across the universe. Now Dark Sin have everyone in each world to do his bitting and find the remaining Infinite Rubies so he can finally get rid of half of life in the universe he claims to have sin, and bring balance to the perfect universe again. With the 6 worlds taken over, and one of the 6 rubies has been claimed, Dark Sin now travels across the Galaxy, coming back to the new reality where he officially is from. When he arrived to his reality, many other figures that seems to serve Dark Sin as their master awaits Dark Sin for his arrival, just outside of his own palace, his own home to many others.

"My children," Dark Sin have shouted "I have returned!"

Dark Sin's servants and followers cheers on Dark Sin on his glory victory of taking over the 6 worlds, spreading darkness across the universe. It warms Dark Sin's insides to see how cheerful his kind really is.

"I must say children," he said "confronting such sinners has been quite surprising. A lot surprising than I ever imagine. I struggle to understand how amusing such sinners can be. Like the likes of these type of sinners."

Dark Sin raises both of his hands in mid air, his green aura surrounds the middle space beneath his hands, then disappeared of a flash, revealing the following heroes; Sonic, Shantae, Spyro, Kirby, Mega Man, and Dark Sin's latest capture, Banjo and Kazooie, who Dark Sin captured and stoned into a rocky prison. Dark Sin's people began to boo at the heroes in their stone prison, using negative words and calling them sinners, without any of them be able to hear them in their rocky prison.

"These foolish creatures you see here," Dark Sin said "Are the universe's greatest sinners! They were foolish to challenge me, willing to stop me from achieving my goal, tried to use false statements about humanity. They were not easy to capture, but the work is done. And now, a new universe shall be born, a new Era!!"

The cheering and screaming grown even louder than the way Dark Sin raised up his voice, seeing that they are amazed that Dark Sin is gaining so much power of the universe. He stops the cheering crowd by raising his hand, immediately the noises and screaming begin to die down. And then, he calls in his group of powerful servants, a group known as the Elite Force, gifted children of Dark Sin; Vortex, Orre, Inferno, Pansā, Doku-Ous, and the most powerful servant and leader of the group, Saishikku. Saishikku and the others bow down in respect for their master.

"How will we be your assistance, master?" Asked Orre.

Dark Sin levitates the stoned prisoners to the Elite Force, passing one each to each member, making them rise and hold onto the heroes.

"I like you all to take the prisoners with you, have them separated in the void of reality." Said Dark Sin "Once you're done, I would like you to go on your separate ways, join the world for the search of the remaining 5 rubies. One of those worlds, you can make sure nothing changes."

"As you wish, master." Said Saishikku.

Saishikku and the rest of the Elite Force goes off with the stoned heroes, taking them to the void in their own separate ways, hoping that they will not break free and interfere with Dark Sin's process of his take over.

Roughly 6 hours ago, the heroes are now inside the void, separated from each other, still trapped in their stone prison. Viewing the first hero inside the void, Sonic The Hedgehog, Sonic is still trapped inside his stone prison, still having his look after being stoned by Dark Sin. After a moment later, a miracle may seem to come in play. A sound of a heartbeat occur, inside that rocky shell of Sonic's, a heartbeat has been heard inside of him, softly. But then, the heartbeat begins to increase the speed of beats, slowly beginning to beat faster. Sonic's heartbeat has become even more faster and stronger for each beat. As his heart beats, his rocky shell begins to crack, starting to break free of this rocky prison as the heartbeat. This rocky shell continues to crack, and finally, Sonic The Hedgehog is free from Dark Sin's stone prison. Once Sonic broke free, he began to feel himself to make sure he was okay, and then views his surroundings. Sonic finds himself inside a empty void, nothing but a colorful ground, and a dark blue color background.

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