Ch. 31: Surprising Friends

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After knowing about Dark Sin's past and what made him who he is today after that tragic day, and also allow a girl named Falvia accompany the Team Of Heart And Hope as she has the ability to teleport them to other places in the universe, our heroes now travels to the next world to restore that has fallen victim to Dark Sin's darkness and find the next Infinite Rudy and hopefully get it since they could not succeed of grabbing it after their fight with one of the Elite Force's members, Pansà.

Now onto the next world, Falvia with the Team Of Heart And Hope has been transported to the grassy place called Artisans, in other words, they have made it to the home world of Spyro The Dragon. From appearance, Spyro's world is affected the same way as Banjo and Kazooie's world were, lost all its colors and has been left behind with a dark, lifeless purple. Seeing this world so damaged by Dark Sin, Spyro is disgusted by what Dark Sin have done to his world.

"Sheesh!" Spyro said "This is terrible! This gives purple a bad name."

"Don't sweat it Spyro!" Sonic said "We'll get this world back and running again."

"That is," Shantae added "if me and Sonic know how to do the thing again."

Sonic after hearing Shantae's statement made the weird look, as he just realized that he and Shantae have restored Banjo and Kazooie's world by the incredible power they have within their hearts when either of them don't know how they did it in the first place.

"Oh.........that thing." Sonic said awkwardly.

"Whatever you did to restore the first world," Falvia speaks "I'm sure you'll be able to know how you two did it in this world."

The team and Falvia makes the first step in Spyro's world in Artisans, seeing how dead this world is by simply judging from the appearance. When they set foot on Artisan, they encountered a sneaky, wicked looking little guy that seem to be holding something. Why it is a random blue thief that like stealing dragon eggs. But this time, no dragon eggs, or any egg in general is present here.

"Who is that little guy?" Asked Shantae.

"Ugh," Spyro annoyed "It's just one of those annoying thieves that takes dragon eggs from us dragons. Tho, it doesn't seen to got any dragon eggs with it."

"It is kinda legit since everyone in this world is under Dark Sin's control."

"This should be a piece of cake." Sonic assumes "Hey Kirby! You hungry? I think we've found a snack for you."

Kirby smiled at Sonic and begins to inhales the blue thief, sucking him in. The blue thief realizes that he is being sucked into the infinite stomach of Kirby and toss the stuff he have in his hands and makes a run for it. Unfortunately, even when running, it was no use for him as he is still being sucked into Kirby and eventually been inhaled entire and swallowed. Kirby did not received a ability since that little thief was nothing that special.

"Hehe, too easy." Said Sonic.

Sonic walks up to the stuff that the blue thief have ditched before Kirby ate him, seeing he was carrying some pistol, a black energy core that blanks light repeatedly, and some round candy piece. Sonic chuckles a little to see that the blue thief somehow steal things that are so random.

"You know," Sonic said "I mean not to debunk anything at this by Dark Sin's power or what not, but this is just random. Just look what this goofball was carrying at first."

Sonic shows the team and Falvia the items the blue thief had. By looking at the items, Shantae and Mega Man looked awfully curious about the pistol and the energy core, as if they seen them before elsewhere.

"That pistol looks very suspicious." Shantae speaks.

"So does that energy core." Mega Man replies.

Sonic got confused at first of what Shantae and Mega Man meant. But that's where the surprise hits him in the face. That round candy piece Sonic is carrying somehow gets bigger and exploded, trapping Sonic in his gummy, chewy prison.

"Sonic!" Shouted Shantae.

Shantae, and the others runs to Sonic as they witnessed the candy piece exploding and trapping Sonic in a gummy prison.

"What just happened?" Asked Sonic.

"I, I don't know." Said Shantae "But I think I know who's behind this mess, tho I find it hard to believe."

"So do I." Mega Man responded.

Shantae, Mega Man, and the rest see that the ground is beginning to break itself apart through the holes, immediately jumped out as soon as what looks to be roots that came up to the surface, separating Shantae, Mega Man, and Kirby from the rest. Falvia and the rest of the Team Of Heart And Hope did move out safely, but ended up getting grabbed on and trapped by the roots.

"What's going on here?" Asked Mega Man.

As soon as Mega Man asked that question, three foots touches the ground behind Shantae, Kirby, and Mega Man, getting their attention to make them turn around. Surprisedly, it is Shantae's nemesis, Mega Man's rival, and Kirby's enemy; Risky Boots, Bass, and Marx. Shantae, Mega Man, and Kirby are surprised to find Risky, Bass, and Marx here in Spyro's world.

"Risky?!" Surprised Shantae.

"Bass?!" Surprised Mega Man "What you three doing here?!"

Just like happened to the people from Banjo and Kazooie's world, Risky Boots, Bass, and Marx (along with the people back home) has fallen victim the same way after Dark Sin took control of their worlds, lost their original color to this lifeless purple color.

"Surprised to see us here?" Asked Bass "I expect nothing more from a sinner like you fools."

"I agree darling." Risky Boots replied "These animals are clearly up to no good."

Risky Boots, Bass, and Marx takes a few steps forward as Shantae, Mega Man, and Kirby takes a few steps back to keep their distance.

"You guys are real inferences alright," Bass said "couldn't stay down what was for the greater good."

"What are you guys doing here?" Asked Spyro as he tries to break free of the root trap "I never seen you guys here."

"Because of your inferences to Lord Sin while planning to make a perfect universe once and for all," Risky Boots explains "and the murder of one of his pride children, Lord Sin have pretty much separated all of us from our worlds and place us in random places in hopes of taking you sinners down for good."

"This is as far as you go." Bass added "You mind as well step down and surrender. You're not gonna interfere Lord Sin this time."

Shantae, Mega Man, and Kirby gives Risky Boots, Bass, and Marx mean look, standing their grounds for whatever may happen next afterwards.

"Not quite." Said "We're not done with our part yet. We're gonna bring our homes back to normal."

"And Dark Sin is gonna pay the price by the time we'll be dealing with him."

"Hmm, you fools are clearly asking for a death wish." Risky doubted.

"Doesn't matter." Bass added "We won't let you interfere with his plans. Best surrender now, or we'll paint the grounds with your blood!"

"We like to see you try." Said Mega Man.

Mega Man have his right arm ready, turning into a Mega Buster and aiming it at Bass, Risky Boots, and Marx. Shantae burst both of her fists into flames. She aims one of them fist at Kirby for him to inhale the flame to gain the fire ability. Kirby ditched Kazooie's ability, and inhales Shantae's flames from her right fist, becoming Fire Kirby. Risky Boots, Bass, and Marx see that the three ain't backing down now.

"Very well then." Said Risky Boots.

Bass also have his Mega Buster and aims it at Mega Man, Shantae, and Kirby, and Marx, grows up his wicked,
root limbs like wings, making a crazy face for the heroes to see. Risky Boots lastly, pulls out her swords, staring straight at Shantae, Mega Man, and Kirby in the eyes with her sword up.

"You fools have sealed your own fate, entirely." Risky Boots added.

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