Ch. 85: Little Buddy

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After Doku-Ous and Crop have escaped from the heroes with the Infinite Ruby, the heroes have Doku-Ous' ally Mecha-Gem as hostage, managed to get their hands on him after Doku-Ous have purposely left him behind just to have him tag along with his enemies. Mecha-Gem is struggling to break free of Mega Man's grasp as he got caught by the neck.

"Let me go!" Mecha-Gem shouted "Let me go you jerks!! You're all gonna pay for this!!"

"Where is she going?" Asked Mega Man.

"Like I'm gonna tell you willingly."

Mega Man turns his other hand into a Mega Buster, aiming at Mecha-Gem, fully charged, threatening to shoot and intimidating the little robot.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!!" Mecha-Gem panicked "Let's, let's take it easy now buddy. You don't want things to get messy now you do?"

"Look around you!" Mega Man said, dragging Mecha-Gem to have him take a look around the dead environment in Kirby's world, fully corrupted by darkness "Does this not look messy to you?"

Mecha-Gem looks around the environment in Kirby's world, and despite looking very bad, Mecha-Gem, unfortunately, does not see the issue. The one thing to know about Mecha-Gem is that he is cocky and a bit wild. Unlike Falvia who is shy but kind, Mecha-Gem is the complete opposite in terms of personality and character.

"Okay, so this world is all purple and all. Big deal!" Mecha-Gem said.

"Big deal?" Shantae asked "This world and the other 5 were our homes that mantic took over for his own selfish way, and you call it a big deal?"

"Hey!" Mecha-Gem "You losers are the ones that made Master Sin's life a living hell long ago!"

"Mecha-Gem, please calm down!" Falvia suggested.

"Mecha-Gem huh." Sonic repeats "So that's your name."

Mecha-Gem has confirmed his name to Sonic, Shantae, and the rest. From everyone's expression excluding Kirby and Falvia, they were kinda disappointed in Mecha-Gem's name, causing Mecha-Gem to wonder why they are all making those faces.

"What?" He asked "What you all looking at me like that?"

Kazooie is the first to step up regarding Mecha-Gem's name, criticizing his name for how dumb it sounds she stated. Mecha-Gem gasp at Kazooie for criticizing his name so randomly and harsh.


"Yeah right!" Spyro doubts "There is no way we are calling you that. What kind of idiot would give you such an uncreative name like that?"

"I'll say." Sonic agrees "No way we're calling you that. Might as well call you Screenshot."


"At least it's a reasonable name." Sonic said "I mean come on now! Mecha-Gem? You look nothing like a gem. Just a small robot with a screen for a face and wheels for a pair of feet."

Mecha-Gem still isn't liking the name and shouts at the team and the captives, especially the team leader Sonic.

"That's a feisty little fellow." Squid Baron admits.

Rush has barked at Squid Baron in agreement.

"Still not calling you that name." Sonic said "Well Screenshot, looks like you stuck with us now. Which mean..."

"You'll be tagging along with us on our journey to get back the Ruby." Shantae added.

Screenshot began to laughs at our heroes, hearing what he heard about the team of claiming the Infinite Ruby back from Doku-Ous, even after what they just witnessed and know. 

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