Ch. 33: Hidden Tracks

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Now with Risky Boots and Bass (rivals of Shantae and Mega Man) defeated and Marx escaped the fight, Shantae, Mega Man, and Kirby finds Risky Boots and Bass unconscious on the ground, crumbled by Marx's attack by mistake when Marx was actually trying to help them out by taking down Shantae and Mega Man. The three heroes walks over the two rivals, just to find now surrounded by a dark aura, draining the darkness dry out of them and forming it all into a dark sphere.

"I seen this before," Mega Man claims "back from the world of Banjo and Kazooie."

"Me and Sonic did too." Said Shantae.

Once the darkness have been drained out of Risky and Bass, the sphere exploded afterwards, disappearing for good. With the dark sphere gone and the darkness drained, Risky Boots and Bass begins to wake up, groan in motion to catch the heroes' attention.

"They're waking up!" Said Mega Man.

Risky Boots and Bass finally woke up from their knock out nap, touching their own head to recover from the fight they had without being aware of it.

"What happened?" Asked Bass "Where am I?"

Bass hears Risky Boots groan literally next to him, catching him by surprise without even flinching. Risky Boots also see Bass at her presents.

"Who are you?" Asked Bass.

"I was gonna ask you the same question." Risky Boots answered.

Shortly after, Risky and Bass spotted Shantae, Mega Man, and Kirby right near them, getting surprised to see them here, especially Shantae and Mega Man.

"Mega Man?!" Bass surprised.

"The Half Genie Brat?!" Asked Risky.

"You could say that it was one heck of surprise seeing you here." Said Mega Man.

Bass is the first to ask the heroes directly of what did they want with them. To answer Bass' question, Shantae explains that either of them are at their own respective worlds. Risky Boots and Bass were a bit lost at first, of what Shantae meant. Risky Boots and Bass takes a look at the area of Artisans, seeing the world has been completely corrupted by darkness thanks to Dark Sin. Risky Boots and Bass does not seem familiar with the world at all, or the area they're at for that matter.

"Exactly where are we?" Asked Risky "This dump doesn't look like Scuttle Town."

"It's not." Shantae answered.

"How did we even get here?" Asked Bass "I don't think I had the power to travel across here."

"Well," Shantae speaks "Right before we can answer that, you guys were actually got corrupted by darkness from the likes of a man named Dark Sin. He is the one responsible for  corrupting our worlds, and even took control of you.

"We did had to fight you to set you free from the darkness." Mega Man said "although, you two weren't the only ones. There was one more you guys were with, but he got away before we could finish him off."

Hearing that Marx was with Risky and Bass without knowing who he is, Risky Boots and Bass demand to know who this "one" Risky and Bass was with. Naturally, Shantae describes Marx from his appearance, explaining he has little feet like Kirby's, has a double circus hat, and has roots for wings. Describing who he is, Kirby uses his body language to spell out Marx's name, making movement to spell a M, a A, a R, and lastly, a X, spelling the name, Marx. Shantae and Mega Man understood Kirby's body language, now know the name of Kirby's rival.

"I supposed the name is Marx then." Said Shantae.

Risky Boots and Bass stood quiet for a bit as they listen to the heroes' story, understanding what is going on. However, that does not answer Bass' question tho, on how he and Risky Boots got here.

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