Ch. 38: Nature Of Destruction

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Back to the entrance of Gnasty Gnorc's liar as Spyro continued the story to explain what happened, our heroes Sonic, Spyro, Falvia, and Banjo and Kazooie have encountered the following allies, Vera, Charmy, Taranza, and Auto, under the same same control of Dark Sin. The fallen allies have made their move to hit and hurt Falvia, making her any use for the heroes now. That's not all tho, as Tarnaza explains that Dark Sin proceed with preparation after the heroes' success of saving Banjo and Kazooie's world. Now Sonic and the rest must face off against Vera, Charmy, Tarnaza, and Auto in a "natured" theme battle to as the opposing team were given a command to stop Sonic and the rest of the Team Of Heart And Hope. 

"This ends here sinners." Said Auto, aiming his drill hand at Sonic and the bunch "your sinful actions are finished."

"I wouldn't consider our actions sinful," Sonic added "and I wouldn't consider them to be finished either."

Kazooie with her big mouth goes on calling out Dark Sin disrespectfully, saying all what Sonic said should be reflected on Dark Sin about his actions are sinful, and his actions should be finished. Kazooie's big mouth has made Vera and the rest really upset, angered by her use of words about Dark Sin disrespectfully. 

"That does it you stupid bird!" Auto speaks out "We're gonna beat you senselessly and fry you up like a turkey!"

The battle begins between Sonic, Spyro, and Banjo and Kazooie and Vera, Charmy, Taranza, and Auto with Taranza firing multiple energy balls of darkness at the heroes. Sonic and the rest act fast and avoided Taranza's energy balls, making Taranza miss. 

"So you're the one that hurt Falvia." Spyro accused Taranza, judging from his attack "You're regret that mister!"

Spyro charged up and unleashed his flamethrower attack, hitting Taranza and making him get caught on fire. Taranza screams and floats around just to put out the fire. Vera gets mad and summons many tricks roots to fight. Sonic and the rest dodged the roots as Vera attacks. Sonic lands a solid Homing Attack on Vera, giving him the advantage he needed to punish Vera. Both Charmy and Auto assist Vera by charge at Sonic and lands a solid hit to keep him away from Vera. 

"Take this sinful meanies!" Charmy shouted. 

As Sonic got pushed back with Spyro and Banjo and Kazooie, Charmy aims his needle at the team, and surprisingly fires real honey in forms of bullets at Sonic, and the rest, catching Sonic by surprised. 

"Wait, is Charmy actually shooting honey at us?!" Sonic acted surprised. 

Sonic and the rest avoids Charmy's honey shot, making it difficult for the team to push through while Charmy is firing honey at them. Sonic has an the idea to turn the tables in their own favors. 

"I have a idea." Sonic said "Each of us should take on an ally each so they will be forced to focus on us only."

"Now that's music to my dragon ears!" Spyro said "I guess I'll take on the spider wizard." 

"Me and Kazooie will take on the bee child and the robot." Banjo said. 

With Spyro, and Banjo and Kazooie already chose who to take care of, that only leaves Sonic with Vera. 

"All right then." Sonic understands "Then leave teenage nature to me."

Sonic and the rest goes with their plan and goes after a ally of their choosing. 

First viewing Spyro, Spyro charge up at Taranza while Taranza was still on fire. Spyro tackles the Spider Wizard and push him off to the ocean. After Spyro knocked down Taranza into the ocean, Taranza fires an dark energy ball at Spyro, landing a solid hit on the purple dragon while underwater. After hitting Spyro, Taranza rise up from the ocean water, all soaked because of Spyro. Taranza gets upsets and creates a big web spear to stab Spyro. Spyro fights back by unleashing his Flamethrower attack again, burning up the web spear. Taranza sees the Flamethrower coming this time, and shields himself from the intense flames. Taranza fires a long string of web, and tangled Spyro around, trapping him. 

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