Ch. 56: Genie In The Chemical Plant

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After Sonic have fought and rescued Squidsmith and Gnasty Gnorc, we now move on into what looks be to a genrated chemical plant, home stage of Acid Man, the robot master she and the team (specifically Mega Man, Kirby, and Spyro) have rescued back from Spyro's world.. The next hero to be teleported and set here in this chemical plant is the next leader of the group, being Shantae. As Shantae got teleported here, she finds herself this chemical plant, taken over by possessed robots and possibly Dark Sin's followers. 

"So this is the chemical plant huh." Shantae assumes "It sure does look dead without its colors. But no time for that! Time to find my friends!"

Shantae begins her hunt by moving forward in the chemical plant. She moves forwards and find a small pit pool of acid with two small platform above it. She makes her two jump, then proceed. Shantae moves up ahead and finds two robots with needles for heads with some chemical stored inside. Shantae jumps down on the safe liquid. These robot spotted her and begin firing chemical at her. Shantae moves up to avoid the robots' shot and starts whipping the first robot with her hair, destroying it, then does the same to the other. With both robots destroyed, Shantae moves on and jump on the metal platform just to find two robots of the same kind, near a another pit of chemical liquid. The robots begins to fire at Shantae with chemical shots. Shantae have brought and summoned her invincible Bubble, blocking the chemical shots at ease. Then she jumped to the next platform. Shantae then unleashed an electric beam, aiming at one of the robots and zapping them, blowing them up one and the other. Shantae stops with her electric beam, and brought down her bubble shield. She has moved on by jumping on one of the metal platform to move forward, avoiding the chemical pool and jump twice to reach new grounds. When Shantae moves on, she encounter a few of Dark Sin's followers, just waiting for the Half Genie to come this way. 

"Oh brother." Shantae said.

"Look!" Said one of the followers "It's one of the great sinners! Let us destroy her!" 

"Ugh! I don't have the time for this!" Shantae said. 

Shantae has began fighting off against Dark Sin's followers by whipping them with her hair, bringing the pain to the followers as she fights. She managed to knock out one followers, but still have to take care the rest. Shantae pulls off her Spiral Kick, knocking down all of them. They did however get up seconds after Shantae knocked them down, and goes on after her. Shantae then transformed into a Tortoise, spin around to ram into her enemies, drops down to lower ground levels slams into more followers, and slams into the hatch, knocking out the followers she rammed and opened the hatch. Shantae was forced to transformed back to normal after have opened the hatch. 

"Hmm, that's one way to take care of annoying followers." Shantae said "There is a hatch though. Wonder where it can take me." 

Shantae gets on moving and jumps into the hatch. By the time she has jumped in. The hatch she jumped into closes on its own and opens the next to take her inside the of the liquid chamber with air pressure blowing her forward slowly. Seeing take Shantae has not taken the form of a mermaid or even a crab, she has taken the form of a sea frog instead and swims through the chamber freely. As she moves freely, she avoids the mining  robots that takes part in this chamber, swimming as fast as she could, avoiding enemies, spikes, and trash in her path. She had a swimming struggle, but she managed to find a latter case that can lead her out of the chemical chamber. Unfortunately, it only took her even further in the chamber. Shantae keeps on moving in her sea frog form and keep swimming to avoid any trouble, by going left, up, then right to get around the obstacle in her path. Just up ahead, Shantae found a hatch that can certainly her out of the liquid chamber, but it's guarded by mining robots, just ready to explode on Shantae. 

"You can do this Shantae." She said herself "You can do this!" 

Shantae begins to swim through the dangers, with mining robots  going after her by immediately dropping to explode on her. Shantae swims around a bit as she as she could to avoid the mining robots, being very careful not to touch or bump into one of them. Thankfully, Shantae managed to get by safely, and all the mining robots were destroyed by blowing themselves up after missing their chance to get Shantae. As she got near the hatch, the hatch opens on its own, and Shantae goes in, finally getting out of the chamber and transforms back to normal, dropped on a small pool of that same liquid. After getting out of the chambers, Shantae have found 3 of Dark Sin's and a robot soldier with a blaster and shield. The enemies in front have spotted her, and there goes the followers going after her. Shantae picks herself up the pool and begins to whip Dark Sin's follower with her hair, dealing some damage to them as they attempt to fight her. Shantae wraps her hair around one follower near her, and slams himself into a wall behind her. With one down, Shantae pins the other two others down with the Spiral Kick, putting them down. They nearly nearly got shot in the arm by the robot soldier with the blaster and shield, who is helping out the followers dealing with Shantae. 

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