Ch. 36: Darkness Reverse

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After Shantae, Mega Man, and Kirby has defeated Knuckles, Zan Partizanne, Lobster Siren, and Rush The Robot Dog, each of them drags the allies they were fighting against and brought them together, catching their breath finally after that hard battle with them. With Zan and the others knocked out, the dark aura appeared around them, begins draining the darkness out of them and forms into a sphere and returning their original appearances back.

"There it is again." Said Mega Man "Is that aura again that drains the darkness out of our friends."

"Let's watch and see." Shantae suggested.

Once that the darkness has drained itself out of Zan and the others with her and gave them their original colors back, the darkness has formed into a large dark sphere, floats up into the air a little and then explodes, making a strong force for Shantae and the boys to feel it. With the explosion is done, Shantae, Mega Man, and Kirby sees that the dark sphere is gone and their friends is seem to have returned to normal again.

"That ball is gone." Said Mega Man "That means that darkness is out of our friends."

Kirby alerted Shantae and Mega Man that Zan, Knuckles, Rush, and Lobster Siren is beginning to wake up from their knock out nap.

"Speaking of friends." Mega Man added.

"They're starting to wake up!" Shantae said.

Zan and the others are beginning to wake up, groaning from the battle they unexpectedly had with Shantae and the boys, stands up just a little to rise up a bit. Zan, Knuckles, and Lobster Siren touches their heads where it hurts, not knowing what just happened.

"Where, am I?" Asked Knuckles, who is now back to normal, and so are the other three.

"Ow, my head." Zan expressed.

Knuckles has heard Zan Partizanne's voice and the two of them made eye contact face to face, getting surprised. They also made eye contact with Lobster Siren and Rush too. Rush begins to bark at them, and Lobster Siren looks a bit nervous and shy around the others she's with, especially Rush.

"Who are you guys?" Asked Knuckles.

"How ironic." Zan added "I was just gonna ask you that same question."

Zan and the rest later looks in front to find Shantae, Mega Man, and Kirby standing right in front of them, seeing that they are no longer under Dark Sin's control. Lobster Siren, Rush, and Zan happens to recognize the heroes they are seeing right now. Lobster Siren recognizes Shantae, Zan recognizes Kirby, and Rush recognizes Mega Man. Rush barks at Mega Man happily and jumps on him, started licking him.  Lobster Siren burst excitedly and hugs Shantae, squeezing her hard, making it hard for Shantae to breath. Mega Man laughs gets ticklish as Rush keeps on licking him.

"Okay boy, okay!" Mega Man said as Rush tickles him, laughing happily as Rush continues "That's enough! I'm happy to see you too."

As Mega Man gets lick by his dog Rush, he sees Shantae getting the life squeezed out of her by Lobster Siren's big hug. Shantae smile to see Lobster Siren, even when she is suffering from lack of breath.

"Too tight." Shantae said softly "Can't breathe."

Lobster Siren soon realized she is killing Shantae from her big hug and set her free. Shantae dropped on the ground and takes massive breather to take her breath from Lobster Siren's "Surprisedly Strong Hug". While Shantae is on the process of gaining her breath, Kirby walk over to her peacefully, and offer her a nice, big, and juicy bacon cheeseburger for her to eat.

"Why thank you Kir, wait a minute." Shantae said "Just where did you find that burger?"

Kirby just simply smiled at Shantae and giving her that cute face of his without giving her a clear answer at all. Tho, Shantae can't really deny something from her own teammate that is cute and adorable like Kirby, so she just dropped her question immediately.

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