Ch. 21: Pop Goes The Mole

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After Kirby's battle with Tooty, Kirby seem something off about Tooty when he defeated her, made him curious what is going to happen. First of all, Tooty shrinks down to size and revealing her true form. Then a dark aura surrounds Tooty and begins draining the darkness inside of her, forming into a ball in mid air as the darkness is draining itself out of Tooty, giving back her original colors back. Once all the darkness has drained out of Tooty, the ball of darkness have exploded in thin air and disappeared for good. Kirby didn't know what just happened just now, left confused of the event he just witnessed. Shortly after the ball of darkness disappeared, Tooty begins to wake from her short nap after Kirby have defeated her, surprising Kirby even after the trouble he had to go through to take her down.

"Ow," Tooty said as she is now back to normal "my head."

For just a brief moment, Tooty takes in a deep breath and smell something really nasty, and boy, was it disgusting isn't it? This time, she learns that the smell is coming from her.

"Ewww!" Tooty expressed "What was I doing to smell really bad?"

Just behind, Kirby taps on Tooty in the head to get her attention, making Tooty to turn around and finds Kirby standing behind her.

"Oh!" She said "Somebody in here. Hi there friend! Are you lost?"

Due to Kirby's disability to socialize, he stood quiet as Tooty is waiting for a response. Within just seconds, Tooty seem to realize that can't seem to speak.

"What's a matter?" She asked "Don't you how to talk?"

Kirby continues to stay quiet, waiting for Tooty to move onto something to ask.

"I think I get it." Tooty assumes "You don't seem to be a type of talking person. I understand. But I do would like to know what brings you here."

Even with Kirby's disability, Kirby is able to communicate with Tooty with his sign language, explaining that he chased her down here to find here and see if the Infinite Rudy is down here for him to find. Unfortunately for Tooty because she is able to speak, she cannot understand what Kirby is trying to say, leaving her quite confused about the situation he is in right now due to the fact she didn't study sign language.

"I'm sorry?" Tooty questioned Kirby "Is that supposed to be sign language? Cuz I don't really understand sign language. So I am not so sure what is it you're trying to say. But if it's about this place we are in right now, I'm not so sure. But I do it's bad news. It's not just this place, but everywhere in this world of our."

Kirby briefly takes a look around the area, seeing Clanker's Cavern is corrupted by Dark Sin's darkness, leaving it lifeless and has taken control of everyone living here.

"At first," Tooty added "I thought it could have been that mean witch, but one of my brother's friend said it was someone else that responsible for this chaos around us."

Kirby is curious to know who is this brother of Tooty's, and who's friend. So Kirby continues the conversation through his sign language, trying to get more information from Tooty.

"If I had to make a guess, I'm guessing you are wondering who is my brother and his friend." Tooty assumes while Kirby nodded yes "Well, my brother's name is Banjo. I'm his young sister. And his friend is called Mumbo Jumbo. My brother also happens to have a feather partner named Kazooie."

Immediately, Kirby knew who they are, have the conversation going to explain to Tooty he knows who Banjo and Kazooie is. Tooty tried her best to understand what is trying to say.

"What's that?" She asked "You know who my brother and his partner is?"

Kirby nodded yes, and start explaining through his sign language that he, Banjo and Kazooie, and the others they met along the way have formed a team to save their worlds from the likes of Dark Sin, and undo all the damage he have caused.

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