Ch. 12: Endless Wonders

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Now coming outside of the void at last and now outside a different area of a whole new reality, the heroes Sonic, Shantae, Kirby, Mega Man, Spyro, and Banjo and Kazooie has appeared into the air out of nowhere by Shantae's Wrap Dance, dropping to the ground, landing safely. Once they are out of the void and wrapped here, the team takes a look around the area. No longer they are standing on some colorful ground, but standing on a light blue surface, and the sky is cosmic stars.

"Where the heck are we?" Asked Kazooie.

"We may have wrapped to the main center of reality," Mega Man answered "or, at least from the looks of it."

"Quite a empty space for a main place." Sonic added.

"I wouldn't be so sure Sonic." Shantae said while pointing down south.

Sonic and the rest follows where Shantae is pointing at. There, she is pointing what seem to be a large city over there, quite possibly the city of Dark Sin's people.

"Whoa!" Sonic expressed "Did we really wrapped that far? You think that Dark Jerk dude dumped us there?"

"Does it really matter?" Asked Spyro "We're out and that's that."

Behind them, Kirby is looking what is behind him, and from his expression, he looked amazed. Sonic, Shantae, and the others noticed that Kirby isn't looking what's behind and turns around to find out what is Kirby is looking. From view, the team realized that Kirby is looking at a large, green palace and seem to be have a magical aura around the place. In Sonic's head, he guessed that this palace is the palace of Dark Sin. 

"If I have to take a wild guess," Sonic said "I say this dump belongs to that Dark Jerk fellow."

"Looks like it." Banjo agrees "I don't seewhy this palace is far away from the city, and fully green too." 

"Then what are we waiting for? Asked Sonic "Let's get going!"

Sonic goes off running towards the entrance of the palace while Shnatae shouts out to Sonic to tell me to stop. She and the others follows Sonic as he runs off within seconds, and Sonic breaks into the palace, smashing the door open. Shantae and the rest of the team was able to catch up with Sonic after he smashed the door open. 

"Sonic," Shantae said "Are you cra-"

Before finishing her sentence, Shantae and the rest see the inside of the palace, being the main entrance completely empty, not a guard in sight in the main entrance for Sonic and the others to spot. 

"Empty?" Asked Shantae. 

Sonic, Shantae, and the rest enters the palace with no guards to stop them as the main entrance is unsecured. 

"That's funny." Said Banjo said "I was so sure there could be some guards in the entrance." 

"You are right in that one buddy." Kazooie agrees "Shouldn't this bozo could have some guards at the entrance, or at least somewhere in the palace?"

The team takes a good look at the palace on the inside, and see no guards in the area anywhere in the main entrance. Mega Man has some bad feeling, as he believes it is very odd that the entrance is left unsecured, left unprotected for Sonic, Shantae and the rest to break in. 

"Is there something bothering you Mega Man?" Asked Shantae as she is concerned about Mega Man, the way he looked just earlier now. 

"Yeah, there is." Mega Man answered "Why isn't that the entrance is left unguarded for anyone to break in, that being us? I know we were just in some twisted void or something earlier, but that doesn't mean the entrance should be left unprotected."

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