Ch. 19: A Stinken Plan

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Once the fight was all over, Mega Man walks up to the hole where Klungo is on the sandy beach. In that hole, he sees Klungo knocked out from the blast mine that Mega Man fired. Mega Man jumps into the hole to see if Klungo is out for good. As Mega Man predicted, Klungo is out for good, fallen by Mega Man's hand.

"Huh, looks like I was too much for him." Mega Man said.

As Mega Man sees Klungo unconscious, he sees a dark, purple aura surrounding Klungo. Seeing that aura made Mega Man stand his ground against whatever may happen next. Like happened to Mumbo Jumbo when Spyro defeated, the darkness inside of Klungo is beginning to drain itself out of Klungo, the dark purple color fading away, and gaining Klungo's original colors back. All the darkness that is draining itself out of Klungo forms together as a sphere of darkness, that later exploded in thin air, disappearing for good. Mega Man had no idea what just happened, or why it happened.

"Was that, supposed to happen?" Mega Man asked.

When Mega Man became concerned about the sphere of darkness that disappeared before him, Klungo began to wake up, attempts to get up from the ground with Mega Man in front. Mega Man have his Mega Buster ready by any chance Klungo could attack again. Klungo touched his head to recover as he suffer from major injuries from Mega Man.

"Ow," Klungo added, suffers from major injuries "Klungo hurt everywhere.

By the time Klungo looks up of what is in front of him, he sees Mega Man in front of him, standing and looking down on him.

"Who you?" Asked Klungo.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's 'Who are you?,' not 'Who you?'" Mega Man corrected Klungo.

"No correct Klungo!" Klungo shouted "Klungo knows what saying! Now, where Klungo now? Why all strange?"

"If I have to say," said Mega Man "This is some world called Treasure Trove Cove. You, and this place got affected by darkness when I got here. And you were just part of a group who were affected by darkness just now, but then split up when entered the lair."

"Lair?" Asked Klungo "Must be mistress robot man talking. And darkness? Klungo knows it must be green phantom man! Klungo smash green man for that!"

"That won't be necessary pal." Mega Man added "You are in no condition to fight thanks to me. Me and my team can take it from here. You just take it easy for now."

After Mega Man have advised Klungo to stand down, Mega Man have spotted a dark, purple looking puzzle piece that's 5 feet behind Klungo. Mega Man goes around Klungo and walks up to this dark puzzle piece, picking it up. Mega Man examines this dark piece, looking at it, turning it around, feeling it.

"What kind of puzzle piece is that robot man holding?" Asked Klungo as he turned around to what is Mega Man doing.

"This is some puzzle piece that must have knocked off of you." Mega Man explains "I'm just surprised that this piece survived the blast. I wondered what this piece for?"

Seeing this dark, looking puzzle piece, with a dark purple aura surrounding it, made Mega Man curious about this piece. He thinks that this puzzle piece could be some key that might lead him and his team to the location of the Infinite Rudy. Klungo slowly joins with Mega Man, suggested that Mega Man should take that piece with him, believing that he and his team might be able to find this Infinite Rudy before Dark Sin's servants do.

"Klungo recommend robot man to take piece with him. Puzzle piece might take robot man to secret world."

"I supposed you're right." Mega Man added, while looking at the dark piece.

With the dark puzzle piece in Mega Man's hands now, Mega Man takes off running with it, leaving behind Klungo, leaving Treasure Trove Cove world.

Onto elsewhere, now at the sewer area where Sonic, Shantae, and the others are to continue hunting down Banjo's allies and enemies. As they reached the sewers with two pipes to jump across to reach the deep part of the sewer, Shantae began to feel a bit unsecured, seeing the slimy water and dirty pipes.

"Ah man!" Shantae expressed "So gross!"

"Gross?" Asked Sonic "More like cold! This water here is sooo......wet."

"Well then," Kazooie jumps in "isn't that something about you needle boy?"

"Kazooie!" Banjo said "Remember what we're here to do."

Kirby grabs the others attention, just to show them that there is a another way underwater, seeing there is a hole that could lead them into a new area. Seeing that hole underwater made Shantae and Sonic unsecured, just imagining how they'll react swimming underwater to make progress on this nasty journey.

"So gross!" Shantae whines.

"So wet!" Sonic whispers.

Banjo, Kazooie, and Kirby see that Shantae and Sonic isn't feeling good about going through the sewers where they'll be dirty water and dirty parts everywhere.

"Hey fellas! Banjo speaks up "It's okay if you don't feel comfortable about going through the sewers or what's down there."

"Seeing that dancing pants isn't a fan a dirty sewers," Kazooie makes fun of Shantae "and the blue flash isn't a fan of water, the three of us can take it from here."

"By any chance Bottles or anyone is around here in the area." Banjo added "Then that mean you could find the last two out there."

"Or even anyone else that doesn't belong here." Said Kazooie.

Sonic and Shantae has gone through thinking, then allows Kirby and Banjo-Kazooie to search through the sewers and hope to find that could help them find the Infinite Rudy before Dark Sin does.

"Okay then." Sonic said "You guys takes good care of yourselves, alright?"

"You can count on us fellas!" Banjo said, "We'll be out of here before you even know it."

Kirby nodded in agreement with Banjo, showing to Sonic and Shantae that he, Banjo and Kazooie will head deep within the sewers, while Sonic and Shantae proceed through the lair and find the last two escapees that could somewhere here. Sonic and Shantae exits the sewers to move on elsewhere while Banjo-Kazooie and Kirby travel deep in the sewers. They take a good look at the pipe in front that leads them deep in the sewers, and the hole underwater. Banjo feels how Sonic and Shantae were when they were at the sewers with them. 

"I gotta admit fellas," Said Banjo "I understand how Sonic and Shantae felt. I mean, going through the sewers is not exactly the best idea. Quite nasty if you ask me."

"But we have to go deep with in the sewers buddy." Kazooie said "It's likely we'll find Four Eyes and his group of small fries. Right Kirby?"

Kirby responds to Kazooie's comment through his body language, agreeing what Kazooie have said (even tho Kirby understands nothing what Kazooie have said).

"See?" Kazooie added "He gets it." 

"Alright then." Banjo replied "In that case, let's get a move on. Kazooie, you and I will swim down in this water here. Kirby, you head over that pipe there and see if you can find anyone in there."

Kirby nodded at Banjo confidently. Banjo jumps on the water and dives in to go into the hole that might lead Banjo and Kazooie somewhere they need to go, while Kirby jumps on the rusted pipes one at a time and reach the dirty pipe that takes Kirby deep into the sewers, now entering the world of Clanker's Cavern for our small, cute, brave pink hero. 

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