Ch. 52: Big Surprise

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Now through the streets to get away from Dark Sin's people and the robots, our heroes runs down the street to get away and escape from the mods of Dark Sin's followers and enemy robots. As Sonic, Shantae, and the team follows Mega Man as he leads them to the safe place he knows.  Little did they know, their path is blocked by robot soldiers with shields and guns. 

"Uh oh." Said Banjo.

"Our path is block!" Falvia. 

"Not on my watch!" Spyro said. 

Spyro begins to fly up in the air, flying ahead the rest to reach the robots to clear the way. With Spyro at the right angle of the area, Spyro turns himself into a Armored Boulder, spins towards the possessed robots, destroying them and clearing a path for his team. Spyro change back to normal, and the team run past by him. Spyro flies quickly to catch up with the team.

"Great job Spyro!" Shantae congratulated Spyro.

"Hey Mega!" Banjo asked "How much further to our destination?"

"We're almost there!" Mega Man confirms "Just a little bit further."

The team continues to run forwards as Mega Man leads the way to a safe place to lay low. About a minute later, the team managed to cut through the city and into the grassy lands. There, in a few blocks, the team is able to a laboratory ahead.

"There it is guys," Mega Man "Dr. Light's laboratory."

"Well let's quickly get inside so we can get a breather!" Kazooie said.

As they pushed forward, Mega Man stops himself and the team as he must have saw something, made Sonic and Shantae very curious.

"What's a matter Mega Man?" Asked Shantae.

"Trouble ahead." Mega Man claims.

Mega Man points his finger at the main entrance of the laboratory, seeing the laboratory is guarded by Dark Sin's followers and robot enemies, patrolling the area around the laboratory.

"Great!" Sonic expressed "As if things can't get any worse than this!" 

"So what's the plan?" Kazooie asked "Attack them head on?" 

"What?" Mega Man asked "No! Of course not! We just to be careful not to alarm any-" 

Just before Mega Man could even start explaining his plan,  he quickly noticed Sonic, Shantae, as well as Kirby are gone, arrows showing the spots where the three were at. 

"Where did Sonic and other two go?" Mega Man asked. 

"You may want to turn around Mega Man." Banjo suggested. 

Mega Man turns around and see Sonic, Shantae, and Kirby has taken care of the followers and robots that were guarding the main entrance and the area of the laboratory. Sonic steps on a fallen follower, Shantae held on a broken part with her hair, and Kirby stand right in front of a active robot that is not destroyed yet, a Met. Kirby ditches his Leaf ability and sucks in that Met, gaining its Copy Ability and receiving a Met's Hard Hat. 

"Come on guys!" Sonic shouted "The coast is clear now." 

Mega Man is so surprised that Sonic and Shantae cleared the way so fast for Mega Man not to noticed them, he didn't even noticed Kirby either.  

"What you guys waiting for?" Asked Shantae "Come on! This world isn't gonna save itself you know."

Kirby speaks for his baby language.

"Well, better get a move on." Spyro said.

Spyro, Falvia, Rush, Banjo and Kazooie get a move and follow Sonic, Shantae, and Kirby as they about to enter the laboratory.

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