Living Plushie

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(art by me) 

It was the aftermath of the devil's toy box incident, and Sam had taken a ferry over to liberty island to get a closer look at the headless statue. And also to relive some memories.
After the cloning failure, he was sadder than he had probably ever been, reliving all the memories that him and his little buddy had shared over the years, and knowing that he was probably never gonna see him again...

As he stepped off the boat, he looked around the island. There was the head of the giant statue, the base of the statue, and... one of his clones? Oh yeah, that was the one who got crushed by Max right after he transformed... he stepped closer and saw that the clone still had the white rabbit doll in it's arms. He sighed, gently picking it up and looking into its eyes. Funny... it's beady dark brown eyes seemed almost lifelike...

"Oh hi Sam!"

The next few moments were a deadly silence, followed by panicked yelling of the two creatures who both fell on their backsides.
Sam looks at the doll, who was breathing heavily. "Jeez Sam, you scared me half to death!"

The voice... it was HIS voice...

The doll climbed onto Sam's chest. "hehe, I.. guess I have a little explaining to do... basically, I'm a possessed toy now."
Sam shakily started to laugh, starting to weep happy tears.
"So, after I... exploded, my spirit landed here, and I found this thing." he gestured to his cloth and stuffing body." So I thought, "Meh, this will do."
Sam gently picked up the doll and hugged it tightly. The doll hugged him back. "Woah, hey big guy, take it easy!" he giggled.
"Max... I thought I would never see you again... I thought you were gone..."
Max gently stroked his shoulder. "hey, Shh... shh... it's okay, I'm here now."
Sam continued to hold him tight and weep gently, and Max kept comforting him.
When Sam stopped crying, he kissed Max softly on the "lips". Max kissed back, humming gently. They enjoyed their moment of bliss before pulling back.
"I love you so much..." Sam said while looking into his eyes. "I love you too darlin'..." Max replied.

After getting up, Sam carried him all the way back to the office after crossing the water again.
"Well, obviously, this will take some time to get used to, but I'm just so happy you are back!" "Me too Sam! And hey, if you can easily carry me everywhere, I'll never have to walk again! OOH, maybe I could even get a side career as one of those haunted dolls that kills people in horror movies!"
As Sam opened the door to the office, he said, "You crack me up, little buddy."

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