Sweeter than chocolate

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(art by me) 

Ah, friendship day, the day where you appreciate your buddies, pals, chums, amigos, and any other word for friends you can think of.

Max was wracking his brain. He wanted to get something special for his best pal Sam, but couldn't think of anything he would want. When he had asked Sam about a week ago what he wanted, Sam had said "aw heck, I don't need anything, your friendship is enough." and as cheesy as that was, Max still wanted to get something.

He decided to take a walk and maybe get some ideas. What were some things that Sam likes?

Shooting stuff? Sure, but they already had plenty of bullets and gun oil. Hannah Montana? Yeah, but he already has all her songs on vinyl (And had even had Max wear the perfume once or twice during their nights off(which he didn't mind)). Food?

The thought crosses his mind just as he walks past a candy store. He noticed a flier in the window. "Ever wanted to eat yourself?" That line makes Max stop dead in his tracks. "Go ooonnn...." the flier detailed that, for a limited time, a person could have a little chocolate figurine made of themselves or a friend. Max's eyes lit up. "Yes!"

That evening, Sam and Max had just finished their celebratory friendship day dinner of Chinese takeout and were snuggling on the couch. "Oh, Max, do you wanna do presents now?" Sam says. Max gasps and nods. "Mine first! mine first!" Sam giggled. "Okay, Max, calm down." he hands Max his gift, which was wrapped in white paper.

Max ripped off the paper and opened the box to reveal an orange and purple spotted scarf. Max gasps and his eyes light up with joy. "Oh Sam, this is the most hideous thing I've ever seen!" He wraps it around his neck. "I love it so much!" Sam smiles. "Glad you like it!" he giggles. "Okay, close your eyes. Sam does. Max hands him a little box wrapped in brown paper. Sam opened his eyes. Max giggled. "Open it!" Sam does, and takes the lid off, revealing two little chocolate sculptures shaped just like the freelance police. His eyes go wide. "Oh wow!" Max smiles. "What do you think?" Sam smiles gently. "I love them max!" Max giggles, taking the figurines out. "Good! They make awesome chocolate!" Max said.

Max ate both of them.

Sam's face fell. "W-what..?" Max laughed. "Oh my gosh Sam your face!" Max kept giggling. Sam looked at him disapprovingly. "wow, max, real nice of you." he said sarcastically. Max smiled. "Aw come on Sam, I'm not that mean." he pulled out a larger box and opened it to reveal it was full of little chocolate sams and maxes. Sam's goofy smile returned. "Aww max, you really know the way to my heart!" Max hugs him. "What are friends for eh?" Sam squeezes him gently. "Happy friendship day little buddy!" 

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