Suspended in time

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Work, work, work.

That's all Sam did nowadays, was work. And Max could tell it was stressing him out.

One particularly rough evening, Sam was working hard on filling out forms that were due the next day and that he had procrastinated doing in favor of working on more cases.

Max noticed how he kept running his fingers through the fur on his head, chewing on his tie, and groaning whenever he had to start another one.

The poor guy needed a break...

"Sam?" Max says, walking up to him. "Yeah..?" Sam replies not taking his eyes off the paper he was filling out. "You need a break." Max says bluntly. Sam sighs. "I know... but i can't have one right now.." he sets a filled paper aside and starts on another one. "These have got to be done by tomorrow and I can't exactly stop time..." he sighs.

Max thinks. "You can't... but maybe I can..." Max says, going to look into the closet. "What do you mean?" Sam asks, looking over to him.

Max pulls out his handy dandy book of demonic spells.

Sam smiles. "Ah, that old thing." max giggles and flips through it. "I think there's a time stopping spell in here somewhere..." Sam laughs. "That thing is just full of magical convenience, isn't it?" Max giggled. "My dad told me so... aha!" He finds the page he's looking for.

"This spell creates a temporary pocket dimension where time doesn't exist. You can go in and stay there as long as you like, then you can come back only one second after you leave.'' Max smiles and looks at sam. "Sounds good?" Sam laughs. "If it gives me a chance to take a nice long nap before doing the rest of these, I'm all for it. "

Sam gets up. Max smiles and starts reading the incantation. Sam watches as Max's fingers start glowing. Max reaches into the thin air, and opens up a green portal. He smiles, looking to sam. "Ready?" He extends a hand. Sam nods, taking it

The portal reopened in a world of blue clouds, Sam and max coming out. Sam looks around, "woah..." Max smiles. "What do you think?" Sam smiles. "It's nice." Max sits down. "Nap now?" Sam nods, sitting with him. "Thank you max, I love you so much..." Max scoots closer, kissing him briefly. "Love you too suga! Now please sleep!" Sam lies down, it feels soft on the floor. "Okay okay..." Max cuddles up to him. "Goodnight my love." Sam yawns and nuzzles him. "Night." Sam falls asleep, max falling asleep not too long afterwards.

A good 7 hours in void-time later, Sam wakes up, feeling a whole lot better. He sits up and yawns, stretching. This also wakes Max up, who tumbles off him and giggles. "Morning sam." Sam looks at him and smiles. "G'morning max." Max smiles back. "Feel better?" Sam nods. "And how! I feel like I could conquer the world!" Max stands up. "Ready to finish that paperwork?" Sam nods. "Yes sir!" Max smiles and opens the portal back up. He then takes Sam's hand and leads him out.

They step back into the office and the green portal closes. Sam smiles, looking to max. "Thanks little buddy, I feel worlds better. Max smiles back. "Anytime!" He goes to sit on the couch while Sam continues his paperwork.

About a half hour later and Sam was all done. "There, finally!" max claps. "Good job Sammy!" he walks over. Sam scoots back. "I have a problem.'' Max tilts his head. "What?" Sam looks at him. "Normally after I finish my paperwork, I go to bed but, since we basically got a good night sleep in the void.." Sam laughs. "I'm wide awake!" Max laughs too. "Oh yeah!"

he steps closer. "well.." he leans on the desk. "Are you free this evening?" Sam smiles. "Yeah, why?" Max takes his hand. "What do you say to a night on the town?" Sam nods. "Sure, why not?" He stands up.

And off they went for a night of food, pranks, and highway surfing together.

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