Be my valentine

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(art by me) 

It was Valentine's Day in school and young Sam and Max were busy making cards with the rest of their class. Sam's cards all looked neat and pretty, and Max's cards looked like ketchup stained used napkins.

But they had fun making them, and that's what counted.

Sam had been making a special card at home, one for the bunny he had a crush on. He wanted to ask max to be his date to the valentine dance in the gym, but he was too nervous to say anything. He looks up and asks the teacher if he can go to the restroom, and after getting permission he goes out into the hallway.

Once he was alone, He pulls out the card. It was a construction paper red heart with white lace around it. It looked really cheesy... "sigh... max will probably just toss it away... either that or eat it." He peeks back inside the door and spots max, still working on his valentines. Sam looks back at the card.

He decided to just go in there and do it. He was gonna March right up to max and hand him the valentine. He takes a deep breath and walks back in, only to see something...

Max was talking to a girl holding a red paper heart card.

Sam's heart dropped. "O-oh..." he looks at the card, then starts to tear up. "I-I should have known..." he tears his in half and tosses it in the trash, then goes to sit back down at his desk and weep.

The girl in question, one Jennie talarico, was trying to give her card to max. "Come on cutie, be my valentine." Max shook his head. "I said no!" Jennie kept trying to get Max to say yes, and Max kept refusing.

Suddenly, the lunch bell rang. Everyone except Max made their way outside. Max stayed inside to steal one of the other student's chocolate candies, then made his way to the door.

On his way out, he spotted something that had fallen out of the trash bin that had his name on it. He picked it up. It was a half of a red construction paper heart with lace around it. He looks in the trash and finds the other half. Putting them together, the card read:

"Dear Maxie,

You're really cute and I like you a lot! Will you be my valentine? Love Sammy"

Max blushed and read the card a few times. He couldn't believe it. He then giggled and hugged it, then went out to the playground.

Sam was sitting by himself under the big tree. Max skipped over to him. "Hi!" Sam jumps a bit and looks up. "Oh, hi Maxie!" Max sits next to him. "thanks for the card!" Sam's eyes go wide and his face goes red. "W-what card? I d-didn't make you a card!"

Max gives him the heart halves.

"I think you must have lost it before you could give it to me." He says. Sam started to sweat. "U-uh... Yeah..." He picks them up. "S-so max..." Max looks him in the eye. "Yeeeeees?" Sam squeezes his eyes shut and looks down.

"Will you be my valentine?!" He shakes.

"I-I understand if you say no, I mean, you already-"


Sam looked up to see him smiling widely.

"What...?" Max hugs him. "Yes, I wanna be your valentine!" Sam blushes and gasps. "B-but i thought Jennie already asked you?" Max nods. "She did but I turned her down, she was too pushy." Sam finally hugs back. "Y-you'd really rather go with me instead...?" Max nods. "No doubt!" He kisses Sam on the nose. Sam blushes more. "C-cool..."

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